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Séminaire "Démodynamiques"

Optimal design in nonlinear regression random effects models with application in population pharmacokinetics

France Mentré (*)

Jeudi 26 novembre 1998 de 14 à 15 heures, .

(*) Directeur de recherche à l'INSERM. Unité 436 Modélisation mathématique et statistique en biologie et médecine.


Population pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic approaches are increasingly used during drug development (1). These analyses rely upon nonlinear regression mixed effects models. In pharmacokinetics, the population design is defined by the total number of individuals and the several elementary designs to be performed within groups of individuals. Our objective is to find the optimal population design for a given maximal cost of the experiment and practical constraints.
We proposed an approach based on the D-optimality criterion: the maximization of the determinant of the Fisher information matrix of the population parameters (2). We derived this matrix for a normal distribution of the random effects and using a first-order linearization of the regression model about the mean. An optimization algorithmis also proposed to find the design maximizing the determinant, given a set of sampling times and a maximal cost for the experiment.
This approach was applied to two examples from real pharmacokinetic data of drugs in development: one example in rodents, one example which is the prospective design of a population pharmacokinetic study in children . The results on these examples illustrated that optimal population designs may differ from standard intuitive ones with an important increase in efficiency especially in case of sparse elementary designs.

(1) Vozeh S et al. The use of population pharmacokinetics in drug development. Clin Pharmacokin, 1996, 30:81-93.

(2) Mentre F, Mallet A, Baccar D. Optimal design in random-effects regression models. Biometrika, 1997, 84:429-42.

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Animateur de la séance : Nicolas Brouard
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