--- imach/src/Attic/README.htm 2000/12/28 18:49:56 1.1
+++ imach/src/Attic/README.htm 2002/02/20 17:36:28 1.2
@@ -1,133 +1,133 @@
-Computing Health Expectancies using IMaCh
-Computing Health
-Expectancies using IMaCh
-(a Maximum
-Likelihood Computer Program using Interpolation of Markov Chains)
-Authors of the program: Nicolas
-Brouard, senior researcher at
-the Institut
-National d'Etudes Démographiques
-(INED, Paris) in the "Mortality, Health and Epidemiology
-Research Unit"
-and Agnès Lièvre
-Contribution to the mathematics: C. R.
-Heathcote (Australian
-National University, Canberra).
-Since the program produces many output files, we suggest to
-have a separate directory for imach.
- - Uncompress the zip file imach.zip
- into an empty directory, imach, for
- example.
- - Different sub-directories are created:
- - doc: most of the documentation. The main document
- is doc/imach.htm .
- - bin:
- - imach.exe the
- executable for Windows 95/98/NT compiled
- with gcc from cygwin.
- - graph.gp: an output file which is used by
- the grapher, gnuplot, described next:
- - data: Here are two data files:
- - data1.txt
- which is the main data file on which the
- program has been run as the example in
- the main documentation.
- - mydata.txt a
- smaller data file which you can use for
- your own trial.
- - mytry: A sub-directory to try your self. The
- imach program outputs its results as text
- files (tables) but also images
- (actually in gif format) which are obtained in a
- second step by running gnuplot (see below) on a
- gnuplot command file named 'graph.gp' but also a
- single html file 'index.htm' which can be clicked
- to summarize your run.
- - src: This subdirectory contains the source of the
- program. It can be obtained by asking us by mail mailto:brouard@ined.fr
- and mailto:lievre@ined.fr
- .
- - gp37mgw: This is the
- directory of the gnuplot software. Gnuplot for
- Unix or Windows 95/98/NT can be accessed freely
- with its reference manual from http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/gnuplot/.
- The latest version, recently ported to windows,
- has been included in imach.zip.
- - Click on the imach.exe icon to open a window and run the
- program.
- - Read the file README.txt or, better, click on doc/imach.htm
-here to access to the detailed documentation
-This software have been partly granted by Euro-REVES, a concerted
-action from the European Union. It will be copyrighted
-identically to a GNU software product, i.e. program and software
-will be distributed freely for non commercial use. Sources are
-not widely distributed today. You can get them by asking us with
-a simple justification (name, email, institute) mailto:imach@ined.fr
-Latest documentation can be accessed at http://euroreves.ined.fr/imach
-Imach latest version (0.63 of 16 march 2000) can be downloaded in
-zip file http://euroreves.ined.fr/imach/imach.zip
+Computing Health Expectancies using IMaCh
+Computing Health
+Expectancies using IMaCh
+(a Maximum
+Likelihood Computer Program using Interpolation of Markov Chains)
+May 2001
+Authors of the program: Nicolas
+Brouard, senior researcher at
+the Institut
+National d'Etudes Démographiques
+(INED, Paris) in the "Mortality, Health and Epidemiology
+Research Unit"
+and Agnès Lièvre
+Contribution to the mathematics: C. R.
+Heathcote (Australian
+National University, Canberra).
+Since the program produces many output files, we suggest to
+have a separate directory for imach.
+ - Uncompress the zip file imach.zip
+ into an empty directory, imach, for
+ example.
+ - Different sub-directories are created:
+ - doc: most of the documentation. The main document
+ is doc/imach.htm .
+ - bin:
+ - imach.exe the
+ executable for Windows 95/98/NT compiled
+ with gcc from cygwin.
+ - graph.gp: an output file which is used by
+ the grapher, gnuplot, described next:
+ - data: Here are two data files:
+ - data1.txt
+ which is the main data file on which the
+ program has been run as the example in
+ the main documentation.
+ - mydata.txt a
+ smaller data file which you can use for
+ your own trial.
+ - mytry: A sub-directory to try your self. The
+ imach program outputs its results as text
+ files (tables) but also images
+ (actually in gif format) which are obtained in a
+ second step by running gnuplot (see below) on a
+ gnuplot command file named 'graph.gp' but also a
+ single html file 'index.htm' which can be clicked
+ to summarize your run.
+ - src: This subdirectory contains the source of the
+ program. It can be obtained by asking us by mail mailto:brouard@ined.fr
+ and mailto:lievre@ined.fr
+ .
+ - gp37mgw: This is the
+ directory of the gnuplot software. Gnuplot for
+ Unix or Windows 95/98/NT can be accessed freely
+ with its reference manual from http://www.gnuplot.org/.
+ The latest version, recently ported to windows,
+ has been included in imach.zip.
+ - Click on the imach.exe icon to open a window and run the
+ program.
+ - Read the file README.txt or, better, click on doc/imach.htm
+here to access to the detailed documentation
+This software have been partly granted by Euro-REVES, a concerted
+action from the European Union. It will be copyrighted
+identically to a GNU software product, i.e. program and software
+will be distributed freely for non commercial use. Sources are
+not widely distributed today. You can get them by asking us with
+a simple justification (name, email, institute) mailto:imach@ined.fr
+Latest documentation can be accessed at http://euroreves.ined.fr/imach
+Imach version (0.63 of 16 march 2000) can be downloaded in zip
+file http://euroreves.ined.fr/imach/imach.zip
+Imach latest version 0.64 May 2001 can be downloaded in zip file http://euroreves.ined.fr/imach/imach-0-64.zip