--- imach/src/imach.c 2016/08/23 16:51:20 1.234
+++ imach/src/imach.c 2016/08/29 17:17:25 1.241
@@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
-/* $Id: imach.c,v 1.234 2016/08/23 16:51:20 brouard Exp $
+/* $Id: imach.c,v 1.241 2016/08/29 17:17:25 brouard Exp $
$State: Exp $
$Log: imach.c,v $
+ Revision 1.241 2016/08/29 17:17:25 brouard
+ Summary: gnuplot problem in Back projection to fix
+ Revision 1.240 2016/08/29 07:53:18 brouard
+ Summary: Better
+ Revision 1.239 2016/08/26 15:51:03 brouard
+ Summary: Improvement in Powell output in order to copy and paste
+ Author:
+ Revision 1.238 2016/08/26 14:23:35 brouard
+ Summary: Starting tests of 0.99
+ Revision 1.237 2016/08/26 09:20:19 brouard
+ Summary: to valgrind
+ Revision 1.236 2016/08/25 10:50:18 brouard
+ *** empty log message ***
+ Revision 1.235 2016/08/25 06:59:23 brouard
+ *** empty log message ***
Revision 1.234 2016/08/23 16:51:20 brouard
*** empty log message ***
@@ -902,12 +925,12 @@ typedef struct {
#define ODIRSEPARATOR '\\'
-/* $Id: imach.c,v 1.234 2016/08/23 16:51:20 brouard Exp $ */
+/* $Id: imach.c,v 1.241 2016/08/29 17:17:25 brouard Exp $ */
/* $State: Exp $ */
#include "version.h"
char version[]=__IMACH_VERSION__;
char copyright[]="February 2016,INED-EUROREVES-Institut de longevite-Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 25293121), Intel Software 2015-2018";
-char fullversion[]="$Revision: 1.234 $ $Date: 2016/08/23 16:51:20 $";
+char fullversion[]="$Revision: 1.241 $ $Date: 2016/08/29 17:17:25 $";
char strstart[80];
char optionfilext[10], optionfilefiname[FILENAMELENGTH];
int erreur=0, nberr=0, nbwarn=0; /* Error number, number of errors number of warnings */
@@ -1020,7 +1043,8 @@ double dval;
#define FTOL 1.0e-10
#define NRANSI
-#define ITMAX 200
+#define ITMAX 200
+#define ITPOWMAX 20 /* This is now multiplied by the number of parameters */
#define TOL 2.0e-4
@@ -1105,6 +1129,16 @@ int *TvarsDind;
int *TvarsQ;
int *TvarsQind;
+int nresult=0;
+int Tresult[MAXRESULTLINES][NCOVMAX];/* For dummy variable , value (output) */
+int Tinvresult[MAXRESULTLINES][NCOVMAX];/* For dummy variable , value (output) */
+int Tvresult[MAXRESULTLINES][NCOVMAX]; /* For dummy variable , variable # (output) */
+double Tqresult[MAXRESULTLINES][NCOVMAX]; /* For quantitative variable , value (output) */
+double Tqinvresult[MAXRESULTLINES][NCOVMAX]; /* For quantitative variable , value (output) */
+int Tvqresult[MAXRESULTLINES][NCOVMAX]; /* For quantitative variable , variable # (output) */
/* int *TDvar; /\**< TDvar[1]=4, TDvarF[2]=3, TDvar[3]=6 in V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1 *\/ */
int *TvarF; /**< TvarF[1]=Tvar[6]=2, TvarF[2]=Tvar[7]=7, TvarF[3]=Tvar[9]=1 in V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1 */
int *TvarFind; /**< TvarFind[1]=6, TvarFind[2]=7, Tvarind[3]=9 in V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1 */
@@ -1126,6 +1160,8 @@ double *Tvalsel; /**< Selected modality
int *Typevar; /**< 0 for simple covariate (dummy, quantitative, fixed or varying), 1 for age product, 2 for product */
int *Fixed; /** Fixed[k] 0=fixed, 1 varying, 2 fixed with age product, 3 varying with age product */
int *Dummy; /** Dummy[k] 0=dummy (0 1), 1 quantitative (single or product without age), 2 dummy with age product, 3 quant with age product */
+int *DummyV; /** Dummy[v] 0=dummy (0 1), 1 quantitative */
+int *FixedV; /** FixedV[v] 0 fixed, 1 varying */
int *Tage;
int anyvaryingduminmodel=0; /**< Any varying dummy in Model=1 yes, 0 no, to avoid a loop on waves in freq */
int *Tmodelind; /** Tmodelind[Tvaraff[3]]=9 for V1 position,Tvaraff[1]@9={4, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, model=V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1*/
@@ -1135,11 +1171,10 @@ int *Ndum; /** Freq of modality (tricode
/* int **codtab;*/ /**< codtab=imatrix(1,100,1,10); */
int **Tvard;
int *Tprod;/**< Gives the k position of the k1 product */
+/* Tprod[k1=1]=3(=V1*V4) for V2+V1+V1*V4+age*V3 */
int *Tposprod; /**< Gives the k1 product from the k position */
-/* Tprod[k1=1]=3(=V1*V4) for V2+V1+V1*V4+age*V3
- if V2+V1+V1*V4+age*V3+V3*V2 TProd[k1=2]=5 (V3*V2)
- Tposprod[k]=k1 , Tposprod[3]=1, Tposprod[5]=2
+ /* if V2+V1+V1*V4+age*V3+V3*V2 TProd[k1=2]=5 (V3*V2) */
+ /* Tposprod[k]=k1 , Tposprod[3]=1, Tposprod[5(V3*V2)]=2 (2nd product without age) */
int cptcovprod, *Tvaraff, *invalidvarcomb;
double *lsurv, *lpop, *tpop;
@@ -2038,10 +2073,10 @@ void powell(double p[], double **xi, int
void linmin(double p[], double xi[], int n, double *fret,
double (*func)(double []));
- void linmin(double p[], double xi[], int n, double *fret,
- double (*func)(double []),int *flat);
+ void linmin(double p[], double xi[], int n, double *fret,
+ double (*func)(double []),int *flat);
- int i,ibig,j;
+ int i,ibig,j,jk,k;
double del,t,*pt,*ptt,*xit;
double directest;
double fp,fptt;
@@ -2073,31 +2108,64 @@ void powell(double p[], double **xi, int
fprintf(ficlog,"\nPowell iter=%d -2*LL=%.12f %ld sec. %ld sec.",*iter,*fret,rcurr_time-rlast_time, rcurr_time-rstart_time); fflush(ficlog);
/* fprintf(ficrespow,"%d %.12f %ld",*iter,*fret,curr_time.tm_sec-start_time.tm_sec); */
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
- printf(" %d %.12f",i, p[i]);
- fprintf(ficlog," %d %.12lf",i, p[i]);
fprintf(ficrespow," %.12lf", p[i]);
+ fprintf(ficrespow,"\n");fflush(ficrespow);
+ printf("\n#model= 1 + age ");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"\n#model= 1 + age ");
+ if(nagesqr==1){
+ printf(" + age*age ");
+ fprintf(ficlog," + age*age ");
+ }
+ for(j=1;j <=ncovmodel-2;j++){
+ if(Typevar[j]==0) {
+ printf(" + V%d ",Tvar[j]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," + V%d ",Tvar[j]);
+ }else if(Typevar[j]==1) {
+ printf(" + V%d*age ",Tvar[j]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," + V%d*age ",Tvar[j]);
+ }else if(Typevar[j]==2) {
+ printf(" + V%d*V%d ",Tvard[Tposprod[j]][1],Tvard[Tposprod[j]][2]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," + V%d*V%d ",Tvard[Tposprod[j]][1],Tvard[Tposprod[j]][2]);
+ }
+ }
+/* printf("12 47.0114589 0.0154322 33.2424412 0.3279905 2.3731903 */
+/* 13 -21.5392400 0.1118147 1.2680506 1.2973408 -1.0663662 */
- fprintf(ficrespow,"\n");fflush(ficrespow);
- if(*iter <=3){
+ for(i=1,jk=1; i <=nlstate; i++){
+ for(k=1; k <=(nlstate+ndeath); k++){
+ if (k != i) {
+ printf("%d%d ",i,k);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"%d%d ",i,k);
+ for(j=1; j <=ncovmodel; j++){
+ printf("%12.7f ",p[jk]);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"%12.7f ",p[jk]);
+ jk++;
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(*iter <=3 && *iter >1){
tml = *localtime(&rcurr_time);
itmp = strlen(strcurr);
if(strcurr[itmp-1]=='\n') /* Windows outputs with a new line */
- strcurr[itmp-1]='\0';
+ strcurr[itmp-1]='\0';
printf("\nConsidering the time needed for the last iteration #%d: %ld seconds,\n",*iter,rcurr_time-rlast_time);
fprintf(ficlog,"\nConsidering the time needed for this last iteration #%d: %ld seconds,\n",*iter,rcurr_time-rlast_time);
- rforecast_time=rcurr_time+(niterf-*iter)*(rcurr_time-rlast_time);
- forecast_time = *localtime(&rforecast_time);
- strcpy(strfor,asctime(&forecast_time));
- itmp = strlen(strfor);
- if(strfor[itmp-1]=='\n')
- strfor[itmp-1]='\0';
- printf(" - if your program needs %d iterations to converge, convergence will be \n reached in %s i.e.\n on %s (current time is %s);\n",niterf, asc_diff_time(rforecast_time-rcurr_time,tmpout),strfor,strcurr);
- fprintf(ficlog," - if your program needs %d iterations to converge, convergence will be \n reached in %s i.e.\n on %s (current time is %s);\n",niterf, asc_diff_time(rforecast_time-rcurr_time,tmpout),strfor,strcurr);
+ rforecast_time=rcurr_time+(niterf-*iter)*(rcurr_time-rlast_time);
+ forecast_time = *localtime(&rforecast_time);
+ strcpy(strfor,asctime(&forecast_time));
+ itmp = strlen(strfor);
+ if(strfor[itmp-1]=='\n')
+ strfor[itmp-1]='\0';
+ printf(" - if your program needs %d iterations to converge, convergence will be \n reached in %s i.e.\n on %s (current time is %s);\n",niterf, asc_diff_time(rforecast_time-rcurr_time,tmpout),strfor,strcurr);
+ fprintf(ficlog," - if your program needs %d iterations to converge, convergence will be \n reached in %s i.e.\n on %s (current time is %s);\n",niterf, asc_diff_time(rforecast_time-rcurr_time,tmpout),strfor,strcurr);
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { /* For each direction i */
@@ -2197,7 +2265,7 @@ void powell(double p[], double **xi, int
} /* enough precision */
- if (*iter == ITMAX) nrerror("powell exceeding maximum iterations.");
+ if (*iter == ITMAX*n) nrerror("powell exceeding maximum iterations.");
for (j=1;j<=n;j++) { /* Computes the extrapolated point P_0 + 2 (P_n-P_0) */
@@ -2333,9 +2401,11 @@ void powell(double p[], double **xi, int
/**** Prevalence limit (stable or period prevalence) ****************/
-double **prevalim(double **prlim, int nlstate, double x[], double age, double **oldm, double **savm, double ftolpl, int *ncvyear, int ij)
+ double **prevalim(double **prlim, int nlstate, double x[], double age, double **oldm, double **savm, double ftolpl, int *ncvyear, int ij, int nres)
- /* Computes the prevalence limit in each live state at age x and for covariate combiation ij by left multiplying the unit
+ /* Computes the prevalence limit in each live state at age x and for covariate combination ij
+ (and selected quantitative values in nres)
+ by left multiplying the unit
matrix by transitions matrix until convergence is reached with precision ftolpl */
/* Wx= Wx-1 Px-1= Wx-2 Px-2 Px-1 = Wx-n Px-n ... Px-2 Px-1 I */
/* Wx is row vector: population in state 1, population in state 2, population dead */
@@ -2387,27 +2457,36 @@ double **prevalim(double **prlim, int nl
for (k=1; k<=nsd;k++) { /* For single dummy covariates only */
/* Here comes the value of the covariate 'ij' after renumbering k with single dummy covariates */
- printf("prevalim ij=%d k=%d TvarsD[%d]=%d TvarsDind[%d]=%d nbcode=%d cov=%lf codtabm(%d,Tvar[%d])=%d \n",ij,k, k, TvarsD[k],k,TvarsDind[k],nbcode[TvarsD[k]][codtabm(ij,k)],cov[2+nagesqr+TvarsDind[k]], ij, k, codtabm(ij,k));
+ /* printf("prevalim Dummy combi=%d k=%d TvarsD[%d]=V%d TvarsDind[%d]=%d nbcode=%d cov=%lf codtabm(%d,Tvar[%d])=%d \n",ij,k, k, TvarsD[k],k,TvarsDind[k],nbcode[TvarsD[k]][codtabm(ij,k)],cov[2+nagesqr+TvarsDind[k]], ij, k, codtabm(ij,k)); */
for (k=1; k<=nsq;k++) { /* For single varying covariates only */
/* Here comes the value of quantitative after renumbering k with single quantitative covariates */
- /* cov[2+nagesqr+TvarsQind[k]]=qselvar[k]; */
- printf("prevalim ij=%d k=%d TvarsQind[%d]=%d \n",ij,k,k,TvarsQind[k]);
+ cov[2+nagesqr+TvarsQind[k]]=Tqresult[nres][k];
+ /* printf("prevalim Quantitative k=%d TvarsQind[%d]=%d, TvarsQ[%d]=V%d,Tqresult[%d][%d]=%f\n",k,k,TvarsQind[k],k,TvarsQ[k],nres,k,Tqresult[nres][k]); */
- /*wrong? for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++) cov[2+Tage[k]]=cov[2+Tage[k]]*cov[2]; */
- /* for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++) cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=nbcode[Tvar[k]][codtabm(ij,Tvar[k])]*cov[2]; */
- for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++){
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++){ /* For product with age */
} else{
- ;
- /* cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=qselvar[k]; */
+ cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=Tqresult[nres][k];
- printf("prevalim Age ij=%d k=%d Tage[%d]=%d \n",ij,k,k,Tage[k]);
+ /* printf("prevalim Age combi=%d k=%d Tage[%d]=V%d Tqresult[%d][%d]=%f\n",ij,k,k,Tage[k],nres,k,Tqresult[nres][k]); */
- for (k=1; k<=cptcovprod;k++){ /* */
- printf("prevalim Prod ij=%d k=%d Tprod[%d]=%d Tvard[%d][1]=%d, Tvard[%d][2]=%d\n",ij,k,k,Tprod[k], k,Tvard[k][1], k,Tvard[k][2]);
- cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=nbcode[Tvard[k][1]][codtabm(ij,k)] * nbcode[Tvard[k][2]][codtabm(ij,k)];
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovprod;k++){ /* For product without age */
+ /* printf("prevalim Prod ij=%d k=%d Tprod[%d]=%d Tvard[%d][1]=V%d, Tvard[%d][2]=V%d\n",ij,k,k,Tprod[k], k,Tvard[k][1], k,Tvard[k][2]); */
+ if(Dummy[Tvard[k][1]==0]){
+ if(Dummy[Tvard[k][2]==0]){
+ cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=nbcode[Tvard[k][1]][codtabm(ij,k)] * nbcode[Tvard[k][2]][codtabm(ij,k)];
+ }else{
+ cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=nbcode[Tvard[k][1]][codtabm(ij,k)] * Tqresult[nres][k];
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(Dummy[Tvard[k][2]==0]){
+ cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=nbcode[Tvard[k][2]][codtabm(ij,k)] * Tqinvresult[nres][Tvard[k][1]];
+ }else{
+ cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=Tqinvresult[nres][Tvard[k][1]]* Tqinvresult[nres][Tvard[k][2]];
+ }
+ }
/*printf("ij=%d cptcovprod=%d tvar=%d ", ij, cptcovprod, Tvar[1]);*/
/*printf("ij=%d cov[3]=%lf cov[4]=%lf \n",ij, cov[3],cov[4]);*/
@@ -2530,8 +2609,6 @@ Earliest age to start was %d-%d=%d, ncvl
/* printf("prevalim ij=%d k=%d Tvar[%d]=%d nbcode=%d cov=%lf codtabm(%d,Tvar[%d])=%d \n",ij,k, k, Tvar[k],nbcode[Tvar[k]][codtabm(ij,Tvar[k])],cov[2+k], ij, k, codtabm(ij,Tvar[k])]); */
- /*wrong? for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++) cov[2+Tage[k]]=cov[2+Tage[k]]*cov[2]; */
- /* for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++) cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=nbcode[Tvar[k]][codtabm(ij,Tvar[k])]*cov[2]; */
for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++) cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=nbcode[Tvar[k]][codtabm(ij,k)]*cov[2];
for (k=1; k<=cptcovprod;k++) /* Useless */
/* cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=nbcode[Tvard[k][1]][codtabm(ij,Tvard[k][1])] * nbcode[Tvard[k][2]][codtabm(ij,Tvard[k][2])]; */
@@ -2856,7 +2933,7 @@ double **matprod2(double **out, double *
/************* Higher Matrix Product ***************/
-double ***hpxij(double ***po, int nhstepm, double age, int hstepm, double *x, int nlstate, int stepm, double **oldm, double **savm, int ij )
+double ***hpxij(double ***po, int nhstepm, double age, int hstepm, double *x, int nlstate, int stepm, double **oldm, double **savm, int ij, int nres )
/* Computes the transition matrix starting at age 'age' and combination of covariate values corresponding to ij over
'nhstepm*hstepm*stepm' months (i.e. until
@@ -2892,16 +2969,34 @@ double ***hpxij(double ***po, int nhstep
cov[3]= agexact*agexact;
- for (k=1; k<=cptcovn;k++)
- cov[2+nagesqr+k]=nbcode[Tvar[k]][codtabm(ij,k)];
- /* cov[2+nagesqr+k]=nbcode[Tvar[k]][codtabm(ij,Tvar[k])]; */
- for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++) /* Should start at cptcovn+1 */
- /* cov[2+Tage[k]]=cov[2+Tage[k]]*cov[2]; */
- cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=nbcode[Tvar[Tage[k]]][codtabm(ij,k)]*cov[2];
- /* cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=nbcode[Tvar[Tage[k]]][codtabm(ij,Tvar[Tage[k]])]*cov[2]; */
- for (k=1; k<=cptcovprod;k++) /* Useless because included in cptcovn */
- cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=nbcode[Tvard[k][1]][codtabm(ij,k)]*nbcode[Tvard[k][2]][codtabm(ij,k)];
- /* cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=nbcode[Tvard[k][1]][codtabm(ij,Tvard[k][1])]*nbcode[Tvard[k][2]][codtabm(ij,Tvard[k][2])]; */
+ for (k=1; k<=nsd;k++) { /* For single dummy covariates only */
+ /* Here comes the value of the covariate 'ij' after renumbering k with single dummy covariates */
+ cov[2+nagesqr+TvarsDind[k]]=nbcode[TvarsD[k]][codtabm(ij,k)];
+ /* printf("hpxij Dummy combi=%d k=%d TvarsD[%d]=V%d TvarsDind[%d]=%d nbcode=%d cov=%lf codtabm(%d,Tvar[%d])=%d \n",ij,k, k, TvarsD[k],k,TvarsDind[k],nbcode[TvarsD[k]][codtabm(ij,k)],cov[2+nagesqr+TvarsDind[k]], ij, k, codtabm(ij,k)); */
+ }
+ for (k=1; k<=nsq;k++) { /* For single varying covariates only */
+ /* Here comes the value of quantitative after renumbering k with single quantitative covariates */
+ cov[2+nagesqr+TvarsQind[k]]=Tqresult[nres][k];
+ /* printf("hPxij Quantitative k=%d TvarsQind[%d]=%d, TvarsQ[%d]=V%d,Tqresult[%d][%d]=%f\n",k,k,TvarsQind[k],k,TvarsQ[k],nres,k,Tqresult[nres][k]); */
+ }
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++){
+ if(Dummy[Tvar[Tage[k]]]){
+ cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=nbcode[Tvar[Tage[k]]][codtabm(ij,k)]*cov[2];
+ } else{
+ cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=Tqresult[nres][k];
+ }
+ /* printf("hPxij Age combi=%d k=%d Tage[%d]=V%d Tqresult[%d][%d]=%f\n",ij,k,k,Tage[k],nres,k,Tqresult[nres][k]); */
+ }
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcovprod;k++){ /* */
+ /* printf("hPxij Prod ij=%d k=%d Tprod[%d]=%d Tvard[%d][1]=V%d, Tvard[%d][2]=V%d\n",ij,k,k,Tprod[k], k,Tvard[k][1], k,Tvard[k][2]); */
+ cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=nbcode[Tvard[k][1]][codtabm(ij,k)] * nbcode[Tvard[k][2]][codtabm(ij,k)];
+ }
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcovn;k++) */
+ /* cov[2+nagesqr+k]=nbcode[Tvar[k]][codtabm(ij,k)]; */
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcovage;k++) /\* Should start at cptcovn+1 *\/ */
+ /* cov[2+nagesqr+Tage[k]]=nbcode[Tvar[Tage[k]]][codtabm(ij,k)]*cov[2]; */
+ /* for (k=1; k<=cptcovprod;k++) /\* Useless because included in cptcovn *\/ */
+ /* cov[2+nagesqr+Tprod[k]]=nbcode[Tvard[k][1]][codtabm(ij,k)]*nbcode[Tvard[k][2]][codtabm(ij,k)]; */
/*printf("hxi cptcov=%d cptcode=%d\n",cptcov,cptcode);*/
@@ -4044,7 +4139,7 @@ void freqsummary(char fileres[], int ia
fprintf(ficlog,"Problem with prevalence resultfile: %s\n", fileresp);
if((ficresphtm=fopen(fileresphtm,"w"))==NULL) {
printf("Problem with prevalence HTM resultfile '%s' with errno='%s'\n",fileresphtm,strerror(errno));
@@ -4054,55 +4149,54 @@ void freqsummary(char fileres[], int ia
\nIMaCh PHTM_ %s\n %s
%s \
\n \
Datafile=%s Firstpass=%d Lastpass=%d Stepm=%d Weight=%d Model=1+age+%s
fileresphtm,version,fullversion,title,datafile,firstpass,lastpass,stepm, weightopt, model);
- fprintf(ficresphtm,"Current page is file %s
\n\nFrequencies and prevalence by age at begin of transition
\n",fileresphtm, fileresphtm);
+ fprintf(ficresphtm,"Current page is file %s
\n\nFrequencies and prevalence by age at begin of transition and dummy covariate value at beginning of transition
\n",fileresphtm, fileresphtm);
if((ficresphtmfr=fopen(fileresphtmfr,"w"))==NULL) {
printf("Problem with frequency table HTM resultfile '%s' with errno='%s'\n",fileresphtmfr,strerror(errno));
fprintf(ficlog,"Problem with frequency table HTM resultfile '%s' with errno='%s'\n",fileresphtmfr,strerror(errno));
- }
- else{
+ } else{
fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"\nIMaCh PHTM_Frequency table %s\n %s
%s \
\n \
Datafile=%s Firstpass=%d Lastpass=%d Stepm=%d Weight=%d Model=1+age+%s
fileresphtmfr,version,fullversion,title,datafile,firstpass,lastpass,stepm, weightopt, model);
- fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"Current page is file %s
\n\nFrequencies of all effective transitions by age at begin of transition
Unknown status is -1
\n",fileresphtmfr, fileresphtmfr);
+ fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"Current page is file %s
\n\nFrequencies of all effective transitions of the model, by age at begin of transition, and covariate value at the begin of transition (if the covariate is a varying covariate)
Unknown status is -1
\n",fileresphtmfr, fileresphtmfr);
freq= ma3x(-5,nlstate+ndeath,-5,nlstate+ndeath,iagemin-AGEMARGE,iagemax+3+AGEMARGE);
/* j=ncoveff; /\* Only fixed dummy covariates *\/ */
j=cptcoveff; /* Only dummy covariates of the model */
if (cptcovn<1) {j=1;ncodemax[1]=1;}
/* Detects if a combination j1 is empty: for a multinomial variable like 3 education levels:
reference=low_education V1=0,V2=0
med_educ V1=1 V2=0,
high_educ V1=0 V2=1
Then V1=1 and V2=1 is a noisy combination that we want to exclude for the list 2**cptcoveff
for (j1 = 1; j1 <= (int) pow(2,j); j1++){ /* Loop on covariates combination in order of model, excluding quantitatives V4=0, V3=0 for example, fixed or varying covariates */
/*printf("cptcoveff=%d Tvaraff=%d", cptcoveff,Tvaraff[1]);
scanf("%d", i);*/
for (i=-5; i<=nlstate+ndeath; i++)
for (jk=-5; jk<=nlstate+ndeath; jk++)
- for(m=iagemin; m <= iagemax+3; m++)
- freq[i][jk][m]=0;
+ for(m=iagemin; m <= iagemax+3; m++)
+ freq[i][jk][m]=0;
for (i=1; i<=nlstate; i++) {
for(m=iagemin; m <= iagemax+3; m++)
- prop[i][m]=0;
+ prop[i][m]=0;
@@ -4112,7 +4206,7 @@ Title=%s
Datafile=%s Firstpass=%d La
/* meanqt[m][z1]=0.; */
/* } */
/* } */
/* For that combination of covariate j1, we count and print the frequencies in one pass */
@@ -4191,35 +4285,41 @@ Title=%s
Datafile=%s Firstpass=%d La
} /* end iind = 1 to imx */
/* prop[s][age] is feeded for any initial and valid live state as well as
freq[s1][s2][age] at single age of beginning the transition, for a combination j1 */
/* fprintf(ficresp, "#Count between %.lf/%.lf/%.lf and %.lf/%.lf/%.lf\n",jprev1, mprev1,anprev1,jprev2, mprev2,anprev2);*/
- /* if (ncoveff>0) { */
- if (cptcoveff>0) {
+ if (cptcoveff>0){
fprintf(ficresp, "\n#********** Variable ");
fprintf(ficresphtm, "\n
********** Variable ");
fprintf(ficresphtmfr, "\n
********** Variable ");
+ fprintf(ficlog, "\n#********** Variable ");
for (z1=1; z1<=cptcoveff; z1++){
- fprintf(ficresp, "V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
- fprintf(ficresphtm, "V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
- fprintf(ficresphtmfr, "V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
+ if(DummyV[z1]){
+ fprintf(ficresp, "V%d (fixed)=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
+ fprintf(ficresphtm, "V%d (fixed)=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
+ fprintf(ficresphtmfr, "V%d (fixed)=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
+ fprintf(ficlog, "V%d (fixed)=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
+ }else{
+ fprintf(ficresp, "V%d(varying)=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
+ fprintf(ficresphtm, "V%d(varying)=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
+ fprintf(ficresphtmfr, "V%d(varying)=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
+ fprintf(ficlog, "V%d(varying)=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
+ }
fprintf(ficresp, "**********\n#");
fprintf(ficresphtm, "**********
fprintf(ficresphtmfr, "**********
- fprintf(ficlog, "\n#********** Variable ");
- for (z1=1; z1<=cptcoveff; z1++) fprintf(ficlog, "V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[z1],nbcode[Tvaraff[z1]][codtabm(j1,z1)]);
fprintf(ficlog, "**********\n");
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++) {
- fprintf(ficresp, " Age Prev(%d) N(%d) N",i,i);
+ fprintf(ficresp, " Age Prev(%d) N(%d) N ",i,i);
fprintf(ficresphtm, "Age | Prev(%d) | N(%d) | N | ",i,i);
fprintf(ficresp, "\n");
fprintf(ficresphtm, "\n");
/* Header of frequency table by age */
fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"Age | ");
@@ -4230,115 +4330,115 @@ Title=%s
Datafile=%s Firstpass=%d La
fprintf(ficresphtmfr, "\n");
/* For each age */
for(iage=iagemin; iage <= iagemax+3; iage++){
- fprintf(ficlog,"1");
- fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"
0 | ");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"1");
+ fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"
0 | ");
}else if(iage==iagemax+2){
- fprintf(ficlog,"0");
- fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"
Unknown | ");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"0");
+ fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"
Unknown | ");
}else if(iage==iagemax+3){
- fprintf(ficlog,"Total");
- fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"
Total | ");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Total");
+ fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"
Total | ");
- if(first==1){
- first=0;
- printf("See log file for details...\n");
- }
- fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"
%d | ",iage);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Age %d", iage);
+ if(first==1){
+ first=0;
+ printf("See log file for details...\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"
%d | ",iage);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Age %d", iage);
for(jk=1; jk <=nlstate ; jk++){
- for(m=-1, pp[jk]=0; m <=nlstate+ndeath ; m++)
- pp[jk] += freq[jk][m][iage];
+ for(m=-1, pp[jk]=0; m <=nlstate+ndeath ; m++)
+ pp[jk] += freq[jk][m][iage];
for(jk=1; jk <=nlstate ; jk++){
- for(m=-1, pos=0; m <=0 ; m++)
- pos += freq[jk][m][iage];
- if(pp[jk]>=1.e-10){
- if(first==1){
- printf(" %d.=%.0f loss[%d]=%.1f%%",jk,pp[jk],jk,100*pos/pp[jk]);
- }
- fprintf(ficlog," %d.=%.0f loss[%d]=%.1f%%",jk,pp[jk],jk,100*pos/pp[jk]);
- }else{
- if(first==1)
- printf(" %d.=%.0f loss[%d]=NaNQ%%",jk,pp[jk],jk);
- fprintf(ficlog," %d.=%.0f loss[%d]=NaNQ%%",jk,pp[jk],jk);
- }
+ for(m=-1, pos=0; m <=0 ; m++)
+ pos += freq[jk][m][iage];
+ if(pp[jk]>=1.e-10){
+ if(first==1){
+ printf(" %d.=%.0f loss[%d]=%.1f%%",jk,pp[jk],jk,100*pos/pp[jk]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficlog," %d.=%.0f loss[%d]=%.1f%%",jk,pp[jk],jk,100*pos/pp[jk]);
+ }else{
+ if(first==1)
+ printf(" %d.=%.0f loss[%d]=NaNQ%%",jk,pp[jk],jk);
+ fprintf(ficlog," %d.=%.0f loss[%d]=NaNQ%%",jk,pp[jk],jk);
+ }
for(jk=1; jk <=nlstate ; jk++){
- /* posprop[jk]=0; */
- for(m=0, pp[jk]=0; m <=nlstate+ndeath; m++)/* Summing on all ages */
- pp[jk] += freq[jk][m][iage];
+ /* posprop[jk]=0; */
+ for(m=0, pp[jk]=0; m <=nlstate+ndeath; m++)/* Summing on all ages */
+ pp[jk] += freq[jk][m][iage];
} /* pp[jk] is the total number of transitions starting from state jk and any ending status until this age */
for(jk=1,pos=0, pospropta=0.; jk <=nlstate ; jk++){
- pos += pp[jk]; /* pos is the total number of transitions until this age */
- posprop[jk] += prop[jk][iage]; /* prop is the number of transitions from a live state
- from jk at age iage prop[s[m][iind]][(int)agev[m][iind]] += weight[iind] */
- pospropta += prop[jk][iage]; /* prop is the number of transitions from a live state
- from jk at age iage prop[s[m][iind]][(int)agev[m][iind]] += weight[iind] */
+ pos += pp[jk]; /* pos is the total number of transitions until this age */
+ posprop[jk] += prop[jk][iage]; /* prop is the number of transitions from a live state
+ from jk at age iage prop[s[m][iind]][(int)agev[m][iind]] += weight[iind] */
+ pospropta += prop[jk][iage]; /* prop is the number of transitions from a live state
+ from jk at age iage prop[s[m][iind]][(int)agev[m][iind]] += weight[iind] */
for(jk=1; jk <=nlstate ; jk++){
- if(pos>=1.e-5){
- if(first==1)
- printf(" %d.=%.0f prev[%d]=%.1f%%",jk,pp[jk],jk,100*pp[jk]/pos);
- fprintf(ficlog," %d.=%.0f prev[%d]=%.1f%%",jk,pp[jk],jk,100*pp[jk]/pos);
- }else{
- if(first==1)
- printf(" %d.=%.0f prev[%d]=NaNQ%%",jk,pp[jk],jk);
- fprintf(ficlog," %d.=%.0f prev[%d]=NaNQ%%",jk,pp[jk],jk);
- }
- if( iage <= iagemax){
- if(pos>=1.e-5){
- fprintf(ficresp," %d %.5f %.0f %.0f",iage,prop[jk][iage]/pospropta, prop[jk][iage],pospropta);
- fprintf(ficresphtm,"%d | %.5f | %.0f | %.0f | ",iage,prop[jk][iage]/pospropta, prop[jk][iage],pospropta);
- /*probs[iage][jk][j1]= pp[jk]/pos;*/
- /*printf("\niage=%d jk=%d j1=%d %.5f %.0f %.0f %f",iage,jk,j1,pp[jk]/pos, pp[jk],pos,probs[iage][jk][j1]);*/
- }
- else{
- fprintf(ficresp," %d NaNq %.0f %.0f",iage,prop[jk][iage],pospropta);
- fprintf(ficresphtm,"%d | NaNq | %.0f | %.0f | ",iage, prop[jk][iage],pospropta);
- }
- }
- pospropt[jk] +=posprop[jk];
+ if(pos>=1.e-5){
+ if(first==1)
+ printf(" %d.=%.0f prev[%d]=%.1f%%",jk,pp[jk],jk,100*pp[jk]/pos);
+ fprintf(ficlog," %d.=%.0f prev[%d]=%.1f%%",jk,pp[jk],jk,100*pp[jk]/pos);
+ }else{
+ if(first==1)
+ printf(" %d.=%.0f prev[%d]=NaNQ%%",jk,pp[jk],jk);
+ fprintf(ficlog," %d.=%.0f prev[%d]=NaNQ%%",jk,pp[jk],jk);
+ }
+ if( iage <= iagemax){
+ if(pos>=1.e-5){
+ fprintf(ficresp," %d %.5f %.0f %.0f",iage,prop[jk][iage]/pospropta, prop[jk][iage],pospropta);
+ fprintf(ficresphtm,"%d | %.5f | %.0f | %.0f | ",iage,prop[jk][iage]/pospropta, prop[jk][iage],pospropta);
+ /*probs[iage][jk][j1]= pp[jk]/pos;*/
+ /*printf("\niage=%d jk=%d j1=%d %.5f %.0f %.0f %f",iage,jk,j1,pp[jk]/pos, pp[jk],pos,probs[iage][jk][j1]);*/
+ }
+ else{
+ fprintf(ficresp," %d NaNq %.0f %.0f",iage,prop[jk][iage],pospropta);
+ fprintf(ficresphtm,"%d | NaNq | %.0f | %.0f | ",iage, prop[jk][iage],pospropta);
+ }
+ }
+ pospropt[jk] +=posprop[jk];
} /* end loop jk */
/* pospropt=0.; */
for(jk=-1; jk <=nlstate+ndeath; jk++){
- for(m=-1; m <=nlstate+ndeath; m++){
- if(freq[jk][m][iage] !=0 ) { /* minimizing output */
- if(first==1){
- printf(" %d%d=%.0f",jk,m,freq[jk][m][iage]);
- }
- fprintf(ficlog," %d%d=%.0f",jk,m,freq[jk][m][iage]);
- }
- if(jk!=0 && m!=0)
- fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"%.0f | ",freq[jk][m][iage]);
- }
+ for(m=-1; m <=nlstate+ndeath; m++){
+ if(freq[jk][m][iage] !=0 ) { /* minimizing output */
+ if(first==1){
+ printf(" %d%d=%.0f",jk,m,freq[jk][m][iage]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficlog," %d%d=%.0f",jk,m,freq[jk][m][iage]);
+ }
+ if(jk!=0 && m!=0)
+ fprintf(ficresphtmfr,"%.0f | ",freq[jk][m][iage]);
+ }
} /* end loop jk */
for(jk=1; jk <=nlstate; jk++){
- posproptt += pospropt[jk];
+ posproptt += pospropt[jk];
\n ");
if(iage <= iagemax){
- fprintf(ficresp,"\n");
- fprintf(ficresphtm,"\n");
+ fprintf(ficresp,"\n");
+ fprintf(ficresphtm,"\n");
- printf("Others in log...\n");
+ printf("Others in log...\n");
} /* end loop age iage */
fprintf(ficresphtm,"Tot | ");
for(jk=1; jk <=nlstate ; jk++){
if(posproptt < 1.e-5){
- fprintf(ficresphtm,"Nanq | %.0f | %.0f | ",pospropt[jk],posproptt);
+ fprintf(ficresphtm,"Nanq | %.0f | %.0f | ",pospropt[jk],posproptt);
- fprintf(ficresphtm,"%.5f | %.0f | %.0f | ",pospropt[jk]/posproptt,pospropt[jk],posproptt);
+ fprintf(ficresphtm,"%.5f | %.0f | %.0f | ",pospropt[jk]/posproptt,pospropt[jk],posproptt);
@@ -4356,7 +4456,7 @@ Title=%s
Datafile=%s Firstpass=%d La
} /* end selected combination of covariate j1 */
@@ -4862,7 +4962,7 @@ void concatwav(int wav[], int **dh, int
/*********** Health Expectancies ****************/
-void evsij(double ***eij, double x[], int nlstate, int stepm, int bage, int fage, double **oldm, double **savm, int cij, int estepm,char strstart[] )
+ void evsij(double ***eij, double x[], int nlstate, int stepm, int bage, int fage, double **oldm, double **savm, int cij, int estepm,char strstart[], int nres )
/* Health expectancies, no variances */
@@ -4872,7 +4972,7 @@ void evsij(double ***eij, double x[], in
double ***p3mat;
double eip;
- pstamp(ficreseij);
+ /* pstamp(ficreseij); */
fprintf(ficreseij,"# (a) Life expectancies by health status at initial age and (b) health expectancies by health status at initial age\n");
fprintf(ficreseij,"# Age");
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++){
@@ -4935,7 +5035,7 @@ void evsij(double ***eij, double x[], in
/* Computed by stepm unit matrices, product of hstepma matrices, stored
in an array of nhstepma length: nhstepma=10, hstepm=4, stepm=6 months */
- hpxij(p3mat,nhstepma,age,hstepm,x,nlstate,stepm,oldm, savm, cij);
+ hpxij(p3mat,nhstepma,age,hstepm,x,nlstate,stepm,oldm, savm, cij, nres);
hf=hstepm*stepm/YEARM; /* Duration of hstepm expressed in year unit. */
@@ -4970,7 +5070,7 @@ void evsij(double ***eij, double x[], in
-void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[], int nlstate, int stepm, int bage, int fage, double **oldm, double **savm, int cij, int estepm,double delti[],double **matcov,char strstart[] )
+ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[], int nlstate, int stepm, int bage, int fage, double **oldm, double **savm, int cij, int estepm,double delti[],double **matcov,char strstart[], int nres )
/* Covariances of health expectancies eij and of total life expectancies according
@@ -5083,8 +5183,8 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
xp[i] = x[i] + (i==theta ?delti[theta]:0);
xm[i] = x[i] - (i==theta ?delti[theta]:0);
- hpxij(p3matp,nhstepm,age,hstepm,xp,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, cij);
- hpxij(p3matm,nhstepm,age,hstepm,xm,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, cij);
+ hpxij(p3matp,nhstepm,age,hstepm,xp,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, cij, nres);
+ hpxij(p3matm,nhstepm,age,hstepm,xm,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, cij, nres);
for(j=1; j<= nlstate; j++){
for(i=1; i<=nlstate; i++){
@@ -5125,7 +5225,7 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
/* Computing expectancies */
- hpxij(p3matm,nhstepm,age,hstepm,x,nlstate,stepm,oldm, savm, cij);
+ hpxij(p3matm,nhstepm,age,hstepm,x,nlstate,stepm,oldm, savm, cij,nres);
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
for(j=1; j<=nlstate;j++)
for (h=0, eij[i][j][(int)age]=0; h<=nhstepm-1; h++){
@@ -5180,7 +5280,7 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
/************ Variance ******************/
- void varevsij(char optionfilefiname[], double ***vareij, double **matcov, double x[], double delti[], int nlstate, int stepm, double bage, double fage, double **oldm, double **savm, double **prlim, double ftolpl, int *ncvyearp, int ij, int estepm, int cptcov, int cptcod, int popbased, int mobilav, char strstart[])
+ void varevsij(char optionfilefiname[], double ***vareij, double **matcov, double x[], double delti[], int nlstate, int stepm, double bage, double fage, double **oldm, double **savm, double **prlim, double ftolpl, int *ncvyearp, int ij, int estepm, int cptcov, int cptcod, int popbased, int mobilav, char strstart[], int nres)
/* Variance of health expectancies */
/* double **prevalim(double **prlim, int nlstate, double *xp, double age, double **oldm, double ** savm,double ftolpl);*/
@@ -5237,6 +5337,14 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
fprintf(ficlog,"Computing total mortality p.j=w1*p1j+w2*p2j+..: result on file '%s' \n",fileresprobmorprev);
fprintf(ficresprobmorprev,"# probabilities of dying before estepm=%d months for people of exact age and weighted probabilities w1*p1j+w2*p2j+... stand dev in()\n",estepm);
+ fprintf(ficresprobmorprev,"# Selected quantitative variables and dummies");
+ for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficresprobmorprev," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ }
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
+ fprintf(ficresprobmorprev,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(ij,j)]);
+ fprintf(ficresprobmorprev,"\n");
fprintf(ficresprobmorprev,"# Age cov=%-d",ij);
for(j=nlstate+1; j<=(nlstate+ndeath);j++){
fprintf(ficresprobmorprev," p.%-d SE",j);
@@ -5306,7 +5414,7 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
xp[i] = x[i] + (i==theta ?delti[theta]:0);
- prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij);
+ prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij, nresult);
if (popbased==1) {
if(mobilav ==0){
@@ -5318,7 +5426,7 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
- hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,age,hstepm,xp,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, ij); /* Returns p3mat[i][j][h] for h=1 to nhstepm */
+ hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,age,hstepm,xp,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, ij,nres); /* Returns p3mat[i][j][h] for h=1 to nhstepm */
for(j=1; j<= nlstate; j++){
for(h=0; h<=nhstepm; h++){
for(i=1, gp[h][j]=0.;i<=nlstate;i++)
@@ -5338,7 +5446,7 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
for(i=1; i<=npar; i++) /* Computes gradient x - delta */
xp[i] = x[i] - (i==theta ?delti[theta]:0);
- prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp, ij);
+ prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp, ij, nresult);
if (popbased==1) {
if(mobilav ==0){
@@ -5350,7 +5458,7 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
- hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,age,hstepm,xp,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, ij);
+ hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,age,hstepm,xp,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, ij,nres);
for(j=1; j<= nlstate; j++){ /* Sum of wi * eij = e.j */
for(h=0; h<=nhstepm; h++){
@@ -5415,7 +5523,7 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
/* end ppptj */
/* x centered again */
- prevalim(prlim,nlstate,x,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij);
+ prevalim(prlim,nlstate,x,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij, nresult);
if (popbased==1) {
if(mobilav ==0){
@@ -5431,7 +5539,7 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
computed over hstepm (estepm) matrices product = hstepm*stepm months)
as a weighted average of prlim.
- hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,age,hstepm,x,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, ij);
+ hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,age,hstepm,x,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, ij, nres);
for(i=1,gmp[j]=0.;i<= nlstate; i++)
gmp[j] += prlim[i][i]*p3mat[i][j][1];
@@ -5494,7 +5602,7 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
} /* end varevsij */
/************ Variance of prevlim ******************/
- void varprevlim(char fileres[], double **varpl, double **matcov, double x[], double delti[], int nlstate, int stepm, double bage, double fage, double **oldm, double **savm, double **prlim, double ftolpl, int *ncvyearp, int ij, char strstart[])
+ void varprevlim(char fileres[], double **varpl, double **matcov, double x[], double delti[], int nlstate, int stepm, double bage, double fage, double **oldm, double **savm, double **prlim, double ftolpl, int *ncvyearp, int ij, char strstart[], int nres)
/* Variance of prevalence limit for each state ij using current parameters x[] and estimates of neighbourhood give by delti*/
/* double **prevalim(double **prlim, int nlstate, double *xp, double age, double **oldm, double **savm,double ftolpl);*/
@@ -5510,7 +5618,9 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
fprintf(ficresvpl,"# Standard deviation of period (stable) prevalences \n");
- fprintf(ficresvpl,"# Age");
+ fprintf(ficresvpl,"# Age ");
+ if(nresult >=1)
+ fprintf(ficresvpl," Result# ");
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
fprintf(ficresvpl," %1d-%1d",i,i);
@@ -5537,9 +5647,9 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
xp[i] = x[i] + (i==theta ?delti[theta]:0);
if((int)age==79 ||(int)age== 80 ||(int)age== 81 )
- prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij);
+ prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij,nres);
- prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij);
+ prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij,nres);
gp[i] = prlim[i][i];
mgp[theta][i] = prlim[i][i];
@@ -5547,9 +5657,9 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
for(i=1; i<=npar; i++) /* Computes gradient */
xp[i] = x[i] - (i==theta ?delti[theta]:0);
if((int)age==79 ||(int)age== 80 ||(int)age== 81 )
- prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij);
+ prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij,nres);
- prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij);
+ prevalim(prlim,nlstate,xp,age,oldm,savm,ftolpl,ncvyearp,ij,nres);
gm[i] = prlim[i][i];
mgm[theta][i] = prlim[i][i];
@@ -5596,6 +5706,8 @@ void cvevsij(double ***eij, double x[],
varpl[i][(int)age] = doldm[i][i]; /* Covariances are useless */
fprintf(ficresvpl,"%.0f ",age );
+ if(nresult >=1)
+ fprintf(ficresvpl,"%d ",nres );
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
fprintf(ficresvpl," %.5f (%.5f)",prlim[i][i],sqrt(varpl[i][(int)age]));
@@ -5957,11 +6069,13 @@ void printinghtml(char fileresu[], char
int popforecast, int prevfcast, int backcast, int estepm , \
double jprev1, double mprev1,double anprev1, double dateprev1, \
double jprev2, double mprev2,double anprev2, double dateprev2){
- int jj1, k1, i1, cpt;
+ int jj1, k1, i1, cpt, k4, nres;
+ fprintf(fichtm,"", model);
fprintf(fichtm,"- \n");
- - Observed frequency between two states (during the period defined between %.lf/%.lf/%.lf and %.lf/%.lf/%.lf): %s (html file)
jprev1, mprev1,anprev1,jprev2, mprev2,anprev2,subdirfext3(optionfilefiname,"PHTMFR_",".htm"),subdirfext3(optionfilefiname,"PHTMFR_",".htm"));
@@ -5996,16 +6110,27 @@ void printinghtml(char fileresu[], char
if (cptcovn < 1) {m=1;ncodemax[1]=1;}
- for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
+ for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){ /* For each combination of covariate */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
+ continue;
/* for(i1=1; i1<=ncodemax[k1];i1++){ */
if (cptcovn > 0) {
************ Results for covariates");
for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[cpt],nbcode[Tvaraff[cpt]][codtabm(jj1,cpt)]);
- printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[cpt],nbcode[Tvaraff[cpt]][codtabm(jj1,cpt)]);fflush(stdout);
+ fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],(int)Tresult[nres][cpt]);
+ printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],Tresult[nres][cpt]);fflush(stdout);
+ /* fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[cpt],nbcode[Tvaraff[cpt]][codtabm(jj1,cpt)]); */
+ /* printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[cpt],nbcode[Tvaraff[cpt]][codtabm(jj1,cpt)]);fflush(stdout); */
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);fflush(stdout);
+ }
/* if(nqfveff+nqtveff 0) */ /* Test to be done */
fprintf(fichtm," ************\n
@@ -6015,51 +6140,51 @@ void printinghtml(char fileresu[], char
/* aij, bij */
- fprintf(fichtm,"
- Logit model (yours is: 1+age+%s), for example: logit(pij)=log(pij/pii)= aij+ bij age + V1 age + etc. as a function of age: %s_%d-1.svg
+ fprintf(fichtm,"
- Logit model (yours is: 1+age+%s), for example: logit(pij)=log(pij/pii)= aij+ bij age + V1 age + etc. as a function of age: %s_%d-1-%d.svg
/* Pij */
- fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Pij or conditional probabilities to be observed in state j being in state i, %d (stepm) months before: %s_%d-2.svg
+ fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Pij or conditional probabilities to be observed in state j being in state i, %d (stepm) months before: %s_%d-2-%d.svg
/* Quasi-incidences */
\n- Iij or Conditional probabilities to be observed in state j being in state i %d (stepm) months\
before but expressed in per year i.e. quasi incidences if stepm is small and probabilities too, \
incidence (rates) are the limit when h tends to zero of the ratio of the probability hPij \
-divided by h: hPij/h : %s_%d-3.svg
+divided by h: hPij/h : %s_%d-3-%d.svg
/* Survival functions (period) in state j */
for(cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Survival functions in state %d. Or probability to survive in state %d being in state (1 to %d) at different ages. %s%d_%d.svg
", cpt, cpt, nlstate, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJ_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJ_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJ_"),cpt,jj1);
+ fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Survival functions in state %d. Or probability to survive in state %d being in state (1 to %d) at different ages. %s_%d-%d-%d.svg
", cpt, cpt, nlstate, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJ_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJ_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJ_"),cpt,k1,nres);
/* State specific survival functions (period) */
for(cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate;cpt++){
\n- Survival functions from state %d in each live state and total.\
Or probability to survive in various states (1 to %d) being in state %d at different ages. \
- %s%d_%d.svg
", cpt, nlstate, cpt, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJT_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJT_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJT_"),cpt,jj1);
+ %s_%d%d-%d.svg
", cpt, nlstate, cpt, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJT_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJT_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJT_"),cpt,k1,nres);
/* Period (stable) prevalence in each health state */
for(cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Convergence to period (stable) prevalence in state %d. Or probability to be in state %d being in state (1 to %d) at different ages. %s_%d-%d.svg
", cpt, cpt, nlstate, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"P_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"P_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"P_"),cpt,jj1);
+ fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Convergence to period (stable) prevalence in state %d. Or probability to be in state %d being in state (1 to %d) at different ages. %s_%d-%d-%d.svg
", cpt, cpt, nlstate, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"P_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"P_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"P_"),cpt,k1,nres);
/* Period (stable) back prevalence in each health state */
for(cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Convergence to period (stable) back prevalence in state %d. Or probability to be in state %d being in state (1 to %d) at different ages. %s_%d-%d.svg
", cpt, cpt, nlstate, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PB_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PB_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PB_"),cpt,jj1);
+ fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Convergence to period (stable) back prevalence in state %d. Or probability to be in state %d being in state (1 to %d) at different ages. %s_%d-%d-%d.svg
", cpt, cpt, nlstate, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PB_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PB_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PB_"),cpt,k1,nres);
/* Projection of prevalence up to period (stable) prevalence in each health state */
for(cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate;cpt++){
- fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Projection of cross-sectional prevalence (estimated with cases observed from %.1f to %.1f) up to period (stable) prevalence in state %d. Or probability to be in state %d being in state (1 to %d) at different ages. %s%d_%d.svg
", dateprev1, dateprev2, cpt, cpt, nlstate, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PROJ_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PROJ_"),cpt,jj1,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PROJ_"),cpt,jj1);
+ fprintf(fichtm,"
\n- Projection of cross-sectional prevalence (estimated with cases observed from %.1f to %.1f) up to period (stable) prevalence in state %d. Or probability to be in state %d being in state (1 to %d) at different ages. %s_%d-%d-%d.svg
", dateprev1, dateprev2, cpt, cpt, nlstate, subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PROJ_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PROJ_"),cpt,k1,nres,subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PROJ_"),cpt,k1,nres);
for(cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate;cpt++) {
- fprintf(fichtm,"\n
- Life expectancy by health state (%d) at initial age and its decomposition into health expectancies in each alive state (1 to %d) (or area under each survival functions): %s_%d%d.svg
+ fprintf(fichtm,"\n
- Life expectancy by health state (%d) at initial age and its decomposition into health expectancies in each alive state (1 to %d) (or area under each survival functions): %s_%d-%d-%d.svg
/* } /\* end i1 *\/ */
}/* End k1 */
@@ -6117,13 +6242,22 @@ See page 'Matrix of variance-covariance
if (cptcovn < 1) {m=1;ncodemax[1]=1;}
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
for(k1=1; k1<=m;k1++){
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
+ continue;
/* for(i1=1; i1<=ncodemax[k1];i1++){ */
if (cptcovn > 0) {
************ Results for covariates");
for (cpt=1; cpt<=cptcoveff;cpt++) /**< cptcoveff number of variables */
- fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[cpt],nbcode[Tvaraff[cpt]][codtabm(jj1,cpt)]);
+ fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvresult[nres][cpt],Tresult[nres][cpt]);
+ /* fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[cpt],nbcode[Tvaraff[cpt]][codtabm(jj1,cpt)]); */
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(fichtm," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
fprintf(fichtm," ************\n
@@ -6133,17 +6267,18 @@ See page 'Matrix of variance-covariance
for(cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate;cpt++) {
- Observed (cross-sectional) and period (incidence based) \
-prevalence (with 95%% confidence interval) in state (%d): %s_%d-%d.svg\n
+prevalence (with 95%% confidence interval) in state (%d): %s_%d-%d-%d.svg\n
- Total life expectancy by age and \
health expectancies in states (1) and (2). If popbased=1 the smooth (due to the model) \
true period expectancies (those weighted with period prevalences are also\
drawn in addition to the population based expectancies computed using\
- observed and cahotic prevalences: %s_%d.svg\n
+ observed and cahotic prevalences: %s_%d-%d.svg\n
/* } /\* end i1 *\/ */
}/* End k1 */
+ }/* End nres */
@@ -6153,11 +6288,12 @@ void printinggnuplot(char fileresu[], ch
char dirfileres[132],optfileres[132];
char gplotcondition[132];
- int cpt=0,k1=0,i=0,k=0,j=0,jk=0,k2=0,k3=0,ij=0,l=0;
+ int cpt=0,k1=0,i=0,k=0,j=0,jk=0,k2=0,k3=0,k4=0,ij=0, ijp=0, l=0;
int lv=0, vlv=0, kl=0;
int ng=0;
int vpopbased;
int ioffset; /* variable offset for columns */
+ int nres=0; /* Index of resultline */
/* if((ficgp=fopen(optionfilegnuplot,"a"))==NULL) { */
/* printf("Problem with file %s",optionfilegnuplot); */
@@ -6201,135 +6337,95 @@ void printinggnuplot(char fileresu[], ch
/* 1eme*/
- for (cpt=1; cpt<= nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each live state */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m && selected(k1) ; k1 ++) { /* For each valid combination of covariate */
- /* plot [100000000000000000000:-100000000000000000000] "mysbiaspar/vplrmysbiaspar.txt to check */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 1st: Period (stable) prevalence with CI: 'VPL_' files ");
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
- lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the value of the covariate corresponding to k1 combination */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; /* vlv is the value of the covariate lv, 0 or 1 */
- /* For each combination of covariate k1 (V1=1, V3=0), we printed the current covariate k and its value vlv */
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
- if(invalidvarcomb[k1]){
- fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
- continue;
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"V_"),cpt,k1);
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n#set out \"V_%s_%d-%d.svg\" \n",optionfilefiname,cpt,k1);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \n\
-set ylabel \"Probability\" \n \
-set ter svg size 640, 480\n \
-plot [%.f:%.f] \"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:2 \"%%lf",ageminpar,fage,subdirf2(fileresu,"VPL_"),k1-1,k1-1);
- for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++) {
- if (i==cpt) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
- else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"Period (stable) prevalence\" w l lt 0,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2+1.96*$3) \"%%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"VPL_"),k1-1,k1-1);
- for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++) {
- if (i==cpt) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
- else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"95%% CI\" w l lt 1,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2-1.96*$3) \"%%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"VPL_"),k1-1,k1-1);
- for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++) {
- if (i==cpt) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
- else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 1,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($%d) t\"Observed prevalence\" w l lt 2",subdirf2(fileresu,"P_"),k1-1,k1-1,2+4*(cpt-1));
- if(backcast==1){ /* We need to get the corresponding values of the covariates involved in this combination k1 */
- /* fprintf(ficgp,",\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($%d) t\"Backward stable prevalence\" w l lt 3",subdirf2(fileresu,"PLB_"),k1-1,k1-1,1+cpt); */
- fprintf(ficgp,",\"%s\" u 1:((",subdirf2(fileresu,"PLB_")); /* Age is in 1 */
- if(cptcoveff ==0){
- fprintf(ficgp,"$%d)) t 'Backward prevalence in state %d' with line ", 2+(cpt-1), cpt );
- }else{
- kl=0;
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each combination of covariate */
- lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the covariate value corresponding to k1 combination and kth covariate */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
- kl++;
- /* kl=6+(cpt-1)*(nlstate+1)+1+(i-1); /\* 6+(1-1)*(2+1)+1+(1-1)=7, 6+(2-1)(2+1)+1+(1-1)=10 *\/ */
- /*6+(cpt-1)*(nlstate+1)+1+(i-1)+(nlstate+1)*nlstate; 6+(1-1)*(2+1)+1+(1-1) +(2+1)*2=13 */
- /*6+1+(i-1)+(nlstate+1)*nlstate; 6+1+(1-1) +(2+1)*2=13 */
- /* '' u 6:(($1==1 && $2==0 && $3==2 && $4==0)? $9/(1.-$15) : 1/0):($5==2000? 3:2) t 'p.1' with line lc variable*/
- if(k==cptcoveff){
- fprintf(ficgp,"$%d==%d && $%d==%d)? $%d : 1/0) t 'Backward prevalence in state %d' ",kl+1, Tvaraff[k],kl+1+1,nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv], \
- 4+(cpt-1), cpt ); /* 4 or 6 ?*/
- }else{
- fprintf(ficgp,"$%d==%d && $%d==%d && ",kl+1, Tvaraff[k],kl+1+1,nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]);
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<= nlstate ; cpt ++){ /* For each live state */
+ for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++){ /* For each valid combination of covariate */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ /* plot [100000000000000000000:-100000000000000000000] "mysbiaspar/vplrmysbiaspar.txt to check */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
+ continue;
+ /* We are interested in selected combination by the resultline */
+ printf("\n# 1st: Period (stable) prevalence with CI: 'VPL_' files and live state =%d ", cpt);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 1st: Period (stable) prevalence with CI: 'VPL_' files and live state =%d ", cpt);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate k get corresponding value lv for combination k1 */
+ lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the value of the covariate corresponding to k1 combination */
+ /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
+ vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]; /* vlv is the value of the covariate lv, 0 or 1 */
+ /* For each combination of covariate k1 (V1=1, V3=0), we printed the current covariate k and its value vlv */
+ printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
+ }
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
+ printf("\n#\n");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
+ if(invalidvarcomb[k1]){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"V_"),cpt,k1,nres);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#set out \"V_%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",optionfilefiname,cpt,k1,nres);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability\" \nset ter svg size 640, 480\nplot [%.f:%.f] \"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d ? $3:1/0) \"%%lf %%lf",ageminpar,fage,subdirf2(fileresu,"VPL_"),k1-1,k1-1,nres);
+ for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++) {
+ if (i==cpt) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
+ else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"Period (stable) prevalence\" w l lt 0,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d ? $4+1.96*$4 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"VPL_"),k1-1,k1-1,nres);
+ for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++) {
+ if (i==cpt) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
+ else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"95%% CI\" w l lt 1,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d ? $4-1.96*$4 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"VPL_"),k1-1,k1-1,nres);
+ for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++) {
+ if (i==cpt) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
+ else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 1,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($%d) t\"Observed prevalence\" w l lt 2",subdirf2(fileresu,"P_"),k1-1,k1-1,2+4*(cpt-1));
+ if(backcast==1){ /* We need to get the corresponding values of the covariates involved in this combination k1 */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp,",\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($%d) t\"Backward stable prevalence\" w l lt 3",subdirf2(fileresu,"PLB_"),k1-1,k1-1,1+cpt); */
+ fprintf(ficgp,",\"%s\" u ($2==%d ?$1:1/0):(",subdirf2(fileresu,"PLB_"),nres); /* Age is in 1, nres in 2 to be fixed */
+ if(cptcoveff ==0){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"$%d)) t 'Backward prevalence in state %d' with line ", 2+(cpt-1), cpt );
+ }else{
+ kl=0;
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each combination of covariate */
+ lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the covariate value corresponding to k1 combination and kth covariate */
+ /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
+ vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
- }
- } /* end covariate */
- } /* end if no covariate */
- } /* end if backcast */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \n");
+ /* kl=6+(cpt-1)*(nlstate+1)+1+(i-1); /\* 6+(1-1)*(2+1)+1+(1-1)=7, 6+(2-1)(2+1)+1+(1-1)=10 *\/ */
+ /*6+(cpt-1)*(nlstate+1)+1+(i-1)+(nlstate+1)*nlstate; 6+(1-1)*(2+1)+1+(1-1) +(2+1)*2=13 */
+ /*6+1+(i-1)+(nlstate+1)*nlstate; 6+1+(1-1) +(2+1)*2=13 */
+ /* '' u 6:(($1==1 && $2==0 && $3==2 && $4==0)? $9/(1.-$15) : 1/0):($5==2000? 3:2) t 'p.1' with line lc variable*/
+ if(k==cptcoveff){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"$%d==%d && $%d==%d)? $%d : 1/0) t 'Backward prevalence in state %d' ",kl+1, Tvaraff[k],kl+1+1,nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv], \
+ 4+(cpt-1), cpt ); /* 4 or 6 ?*/
+ }else{
+ fprintf(ficgp,"$%d==%d && $%d==%d && ",kl+1, Tvaraff[k],kl+1+1,nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv]);
+ kl++;
+ }
+ } /* end covariate */
+ } /* end if no covariate */
+ } /* end if backcast */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \n");
+ } /* nres */
} /* k1 */
} /* cpt */
- /*2 eme*/
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) {
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 2nd: Total life expectancy with CI: 't' files ");
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
- lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
- if(invalidvarcomb[k1]){
- fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
- continue;
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1);
- for(vpopbased=0; vpopbased <= popbased; vpopbased++){ /* Done for vpopbased=0 and vpopbased=1 if popbased==1*/
- if(vpopbased==0)
- fprintf(ficgp,"set ylabel \"Years\" \nset ter svg size 640, 480\nplot [%.f:%.f] ",ageminpar,fage);
- else
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nreplot ");
- for (i=1; i<= nlstate+1 ; i ++) {
- k=2*i;
- fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ?$4 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),k1-1,k1-1, vpopbased);
- for (j=1; j<= nlstate+1 ; j ++) {
- if (j==i) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
- else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
- }
- if (i== 1) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"TLE\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i);
- else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"LE in state (%d)\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i-1,i+1);
- fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ? $4-$5*2 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),k1-1,k1-1,vpopbased);
- for (j=1; j<= nlstate+1 ; j ++) {
- if (j==i) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
- else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 0,");
- fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ? $4+$5*2 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),k1-1,k1-1,vpopbased);
- for (j=1; j<= nlstate+1 ; j ++) {
- if (j==i) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
- else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
- }
- if (i== (nlstate+1)) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 0");
- else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 0,\\\n");
- } /* state */
- } /* vpopbased */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out;set out \"%s_%d.svg\"; replot; set out; \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1); /* Buggy gnuplot */
- } /* k1 */
- /*3eme*/
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) {
- for (cpt=1; cpt<= nlstate ; cpt ++) {
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 3d: Life expectancy with EXP_ files: cov=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
+ /*2 eme*/
+ for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++){
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 2nd: Total life expectancy with CI: 't' files ");
for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination */
/* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
@@ -6338,129 +6434,206 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] \"%s\" every :::%d::%d u
vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
+ /* for(k=1; k <= ncovds; k++){ */
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
- /* k=2+nlstate*(2*cpt-2); */
- k=2+(nlstate+1)*(cpt-1);
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"EXP_"),cpt,k1);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set ter svg size 640, 480\n\
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1,nres);
+ for(vpopbased=0; vpopbased <= popbased; vpopbased++){ /* Done for vpopbased=0 and vpopbased=1 if popbased==1*/
+ if(vpopbased==0)
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set ylabel \"Years\" \nset ter svg size 640, 480\nplot [%.f:%.f] ",ageminpar,fage);
+ else
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nreplot ");
+ for (i=1; i<= nlstate+1 ; i ++) {
+ k=2*i;
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ?$4 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),k1-1,k1-1, vpopbased);
+ for (j=1; j<= nlstate+1 ; j ++) {
+ if (j==i) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
+ else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
+ }
+ if (i== 1) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"TLE\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i);
+ else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"LE in state (%d)\" w l lt %d, \\\n",i-1,i+1);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ? $4-$5*2 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),k1-1,k1-1,vpopbased);
+ for (j=1; j<= nlstate+1 ; j ++) {
+ if (j==i) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
+ else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 0,");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($2==%d && $4!=0 ? $4+$5*2 : 1/0) \"%%lf %%lf %%lf",subdirf2(fileresu,"T_"),k1-1,k1-1,vpopbased);
+ for (j=1; j<= nlstate+1 ; j ++) {
+ if (j==i) fprintf(ficgp," %%lf (%%lf)");
+ else fprintf(ficgp," %%*lf (%%*lf)");
+ }
+ if (i== (nlstate+1)) fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 0");
+ else fprintf(ficgp,"\" t\"\" w l lt 0,\\\n");
+ } /* state */
+ } /* vpopbased */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out;set out \"%s_%d.svg\"; replot; set out; \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"E_"),k1); /* Buggy gnuplot */
+ } /* end nres */
+ } /* k1 end 2 eme*/
+ /*3eme*/
+ for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++){
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
+ continue;
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<= nlstate ; cpt ++) {
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n# 3d: Life expectancy with EXP_ files: combination=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
+ lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination */
+ /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
+ vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
+ }
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
+ if(invalidvarcomb[k1]){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* k=2+nlstate*(2*cpt-2); */
+ k=2+(nlstate+1)*(cpt-1);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"EXP_"),cpt,k1,nres);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set ter svg size 640, 480\n\
plot [%.f:%.f] \"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:%d t \"e%d1\" w l",ageminpar,fage,subdirf2(fileresu,"E_"),k1-1,k1-1,k,cpt);
- /*fprintf(ficgp,",\"e%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($%d-2*$%d) \"\%%lf ",fileres,k1-1,k1-1,k,k+1);
- for (i=1; i<= nlstate*2 ; i ++) fprintf(ficgp,"\%%lf (\%%lf) ");
- fprintf(ficgp,"\" t \"e%d1\" w l",cpt);
- fprintf(ficgp,",\"e%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($%d+2*$%d) \"\%%lf ",fileres,k1-1,k1-1,k,k+1);
- for (i=1; i<= nlstate*2 ; i ++) fprintf(ficgp,"\%%lf (\%%lf) ");
- fprintf(ficgp,"\" t \"e%d1\" w l",cpt);
+ /*fprintf(ficgp,",\"e%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($%d-2*$%d) \"\%%lf ",fileres,k1-1,k1-1,k,k+1);
+ for (i=1; i<= nlstate*2 ; i ++) fprintf(ficgp,"\%%lf (\%%lf) ");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\" t \"e%d1\" w l",cpt);
+ fprintf(ficgp,",\"e%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:($%d+2*$%d) \"\%%lf ",fileres,k1-1,k1-1,k,k+1);
+ for (i=1; i<= nlstate*2 ; i ++) fprintf(ficgp,"\%%lf (\%%lf) ");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\" t \"e%d1\" w l",cpt);
- */
- for (i=1; i< nlstate ; i ++) {
- fprintf(ficgp," ,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:%d t \"e%d%d\" w l",subdirf2(fileresu,"E_"),k1-1,k1-1,k+i,cpt,i+1);
- /* fprintf(ficgp," ,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:%d t \"e%d%d\" w l",subdirf2(fileres,"e"),k1-1,k1-1,k+2*i,cpt,i+1);*/
+ */
+ for (i=1; i< nlstate ; i ++) {
+ fprintf(ficgp," ,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:%d t \"e%d%d\" w l",subdirf2(fileresu,"E_"),k1-1,k1-1,k+i,cpt,i+1);
+ /* fprintf(ficgp," ,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:%d t \"e%d%d\" w l",subdirf2(fileres,"e"),k1-1,k1-1,k+2*i,cpt,i+1);*/
- }
- fprintf(ficgp," ,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:%d t \"e%d.\" w l",subdirf2(fileresu,"E_"),k1-1,k1-1,k+nlstate,cpt);
- }
- }
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp," ,\"%s\" every :::%d::%d u 1:%d t \"e%d.\" w l",subdirf2(fileresu,"E_"),k1-1,k1-1,k+nlstate,cpt);
+ }
+ } /* end nres */
+ } /* end kl 3eme */
/* 4eme */
/* Survival functions (period) from state i in state j by initial state i */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) { /* For each multivariate if any */
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life state */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n# Survival functions in state j : 'LIJ_' files, cov=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
- lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
- if(invalidvarcomb[k1]){
- fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
+ for (k1=1; k1<=m; k1++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJ_"),cpt,k1);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability to be alive\" \n\
-set ter svg size 640, 480\n \
-unset log y\n \
-plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
- k=3;
- for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++){
- if(i==1){
- fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\"",subdirf2(fileresu,"PIJ_"));
- }else{
- fprintf(ficgp,", '' ");
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life state cpt*/
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n# Survival functions in state j : 'LIJ_' files, cov=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
+ lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination */
+ /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
+ vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- l=(nlstate+ndeath)*(i-1)+1;
- fprintf(ficgp," u ($1==%d ? ($3):1/0):($%d/($%d",k1,k+l+(cpt-1),k+l);
- for (j=2; j<= nlstate+ndeath ; j ++)
- fprintf(ficgp,"+$%d",k+l+j-1);
- fprintf(ficgp,")) t \"l(%d,%d)\" w l",i,cpt);
- } /* nlstate */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out\n");
- } /* end cpt state*/
- } /* end covariate */
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
+ if(invalidvarcomb[k1]){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJ_"),cpt,k1,nres);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability to be alive\" \n\
+set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
+ k=3;
+ for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++){
+ if(i==1){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\"",subdirf2(fileresu,"PIJ_"));
+ }else{
+ fprintf(ficgp,", '' ");
+ }
+ l=(nlstate+ndeath)*(i-1)+1;
+ fprintf(ficgp," u ($1==%d ? ($3):1/0):($%d/($%d",k1,k+l+(cpt-1),k+l);
+ for (j=2; j<= nlstate+ndeath ; j ++)
+ fprintf(ficgp,"+$%d",k+l+j-1);
+ fprintf(ficgp,")) t \"l(%d,%d)\" w l",i,cpt);
+ } /* nlstate */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out\n");
+ } /* end cpt state*/
+ } /* end nres */
+ } /* end covariate k1 */
/* 5eme */
/* Survival functions (period) from state i in state j by final state j */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) { /* For each covariate if any */
- for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each inital state */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n# Survival functions in state j and all livestates from state i by final state j: 'lij' files, cov=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
- for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
- lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination */
- /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
- /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
- vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
- fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
- if(invalidvarcomb[k1]){
- fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
+ for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1++){ /* For each covariate combination if any */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
- }
+ for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each inital state */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n# Survival functions in state j and all livestates from state i by final state j: 'lij' files, cov=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
+ for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
+ lv= decodtabm(k1,k,cptcoveff); /* Should be the covariate number corresponding to k1 combination */
+ /* decodtabm(1,1,4) = 1 because h=1 k= (1) 1 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(1,2,4) = 1 because h=1 k= 1 (1) 1 1 */
+ /* decodtabm(13,3,4)= 2 because h=13 k= 1 1 (2) 2 */
+ vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
+ }
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
+ if(invalidvarcomb[k1]){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
+ continue;
+ }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJT_"),cpt,k1);
- fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability to be alive\" \n\
-set ter svg size 640, 480\n \
-unset log y\n \
-plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
- k=3;
- for (j=1; j<= nlstate ; j ++){ /* Lived in state j */
- if(j==1)
- fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\"",subdirf2(fileresu,"PIJ_"));
- else
- fprintf(ficgp,", '' ");
- l=(nlstate+ndeath)*(cpt-1) +j;
- fprintf(ficgp," u (($1==%d && (floor($2)%%5 == 0)) ? ($3):1/0):($%d",k1,k+l);
- /* for (i=2; i<= nlstate+ndeath ; i ++) */
- /* fprintf(ficgp,"+$%d",k+l+i-1); */
- fprintf(ficgp,") t \"l(%d,%d)\" w l",cpt,j);
- } /* nlstate */
- fprintf(ficgp,", '' ");
- fprintf(ficgp," u (($1==%d && (floor($2)%%5 == 0)) ? ($3):1/0):(",k1);
- for (j=1; j<= nlstate ; j ++){ /* Lived in state j */
- l=(nlstate+ndeath)*(cpt-1) +j;
- if(j < nlstate)
- fprintf(ficgp,"$%d +",k+l);
- else
- fprintf(ficgp,"$%d) t\"l(%d,.)\" w l",k+l,cpt);
- }
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out\n");
- } /* end cpt state*/
- } /* end covariate */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"LIJT_"),cpt,k1,nres);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability to be alive\" \n\
+set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
+ k=3;
+ for (j=1; j<= nlstate ; j ++){ /* Lived in state j */
+ if(j==1)
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\"%s\"",subdirf2(fileresu,"PIJ_"));
+ else
+ fprintf(ficgp,", '' ");
+ l=(nlstate+ndeath)*(cpt-1) +j;
+ fprintf(ficgp," u (($1==%d && (floor($2)%%5 == 0)) ? ($3):1/0):($%d",k1,k+l);
+ /* for (i=2; i<= nlstate+ndeath ; i ++) */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp,"+$%d",k+l+i-1); */
+ fprintf(ficgp,") t \"l(%d,%d)\" w l",cpt,j);
+ } /* nlstate */
+ fprintf(ficgp,", '' ");
+ fprintf(ficgp," u (($1==%d && (floor($2)%%5 == 0)) ? ($3):1/0):(",k1);
+ for (j=1; j<= nlstate ; j ++){ /* Lived in state j */
+ l=(nlstate+ndeath)*(cpt-1) +j;
+ if(j < nlstate)
+ fprintf(ficgp,"$%d +",k+l);
+ else
+ fprintf(ficgp,"$%d) t\"l(%d,.)\" w l",k+l,cpt);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out\n");
+ } /* end cpt state*/
+ } /* end covariate */
+ } /* end nres */
/* 6eme */
/* CV preval stable (period) for each covariate */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) { /* For each covariate combination (1 to m=2**k), if any covariate is present */
+ for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /* For each covariate combination if any */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
+ continue;
for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life state */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n#CV preval stable (period): 'pij' files, covariatecombination#=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
@@ -6472,17 +6645,18 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"P_"),cpt,k1);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"P_"),cpt,k1,nres);
fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability\" \n\
-set ter svg size 640, 480\n \
-unset log y\n \
-plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
+set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
k=3; /* Offset */
for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++){
@@ -6503,7 +6677,10 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
/* 7eme */
if(backcast == 1){
/* CV back preval stable (period) for each covariate */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) { /* For each covariate combination (1 to m=2**k), if any covariate is present */
+ for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /* For each covariate combination if any */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
+ continue;
for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life state */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n#CV Back preval stable (period): 'pij' files, covariatecombination#=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each covariate and each value */
@@ -6514,17 +6691,18 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PB_"),cpt,k1);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PB_"),cpt,k1,nres);
fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Probability\" \n\
-set ter svg size 640, 480\n \
-unset log y\n \
-plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
+set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
k=3; /* Offset */
for (i=1; i<= nlstate ; i ++){
@@ -6550,7 +6728,10 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
/* Projection from cross-sectional to stable (period) for each covariate */
- for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) { /* For each covariate combination (1 to m=2**k), if any covariate is present */
+ for (k1=1; k1<= m ; k1 ++) /* For each covariate combination if any */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k1)
+ continue;
for (cpt=1; cpt<=nlstate ; cpt ++) { /* For each life state */
fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n#\n#Projection of prevalence to stable (period): 'PROJ_' files, covariatecombination#=%d state=%d",k1, cpt);
for (k=1; k<=cptcoveff; k++){ /* For each correspondig covariate value */
@@ -6561,6 +6742,9 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
vlv= nbcode[Tvaraff[k]][lv];
fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[k],vlv);
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
fprintf(ficgp,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k1);
@@ -6568,11 +6752,9 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
fprintf(ficgp,"# hpijx=probability over h years, hp.jx is weighted by observed prev\n ");
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PROJ_"),cpt,k1);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" \n",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PROJ_"),cpt,k1,nres);
fprintf(ficgp,"set xlabel \"Age\" \nset ylabel \"Prevalence\" \n\
-set ter svg size 640, 480\n \
-unset log y\n \
-plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
+set ter svg size 640, 480\nunset log y\nplot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar);
for (i=1; i<= nlstate+1 ; i ++){ /* nlstate +1 p11 p21 p.1 */
/*# V1 = 1 V2 = 0 yearproj age p11 p21 p.1 p12 p22 p.2 p13 p23 p.3*/
/*# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 */
@@ -6639,8 +6821,8 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
} /* End if prevfcast */
- /* proba elementaires */
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n##############\n#MLE estimated parameters\n#############\n");
+ /* 9eme writing MLE parameters */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n##############\n#9eme MLE estimated parameters\n#############\n");
for(i=1,jk=1; i <=nlstate; i++){
fprintf(ficgp,"# initial state %d\n",i);
for(k=1; k <=(nlstate+ndeath); k++){
@@ -6657,7 +6839,8 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
/*goto avoid;*/
- fprintf(ficgp,"\n##############\n#Graphics of probabilities or incidences\n#############\n");
+ /* 10eme Graphics of probabilities or incidences using written MLE parameters */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n##############\n#10eme Graphics of probabilities or incidences\n#############\n");
fprintf(ficgp,"# logi(p12/p11)=a12+b12*age+c12age*age+d12*V1+e12*V1*age\n");
fprintf(ficgp,"# logi(p12/p11)=p1 +p2*age +p3*age*age+ p4*V1+ p5*V1*age\n");
fprintf(ficgp,"# logi(p13/p11)=a13+b13*age+c13age*age+d13*V1+e13*V1*age\n");
@@ -6672,11 +6855,20 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
fprintf(ficgp,"# +exp(a14+b14*age+c14age*age+d14*V1+e14*V1*age)+...)\n");
for(ng=1; ng<=3;ng++){ /* Number of graphics: first is logit, 2nd is probabilities, third is incidences per year*/
- fprintf(ficgp,"# ng=%d\n",ng);
- fprintf(ficgp,"# jk=1 to 2^%d=%d\n",cptcoveff,m);
- for(jk=1; jk <=m; jk++) {
- fprintf(ficgp,"# jk=%d\n",jk);
- fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d.svg\" ",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PE_"),jk,ng);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"#Number of graphics: first is logit, 2nd is probabilities, third is incidences per year\n");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"#model=%s \n",model);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"# Type of graphic ng=%d\n",ng);
+ fprintf(ficgp,"# jk=1 to 2^%d=%d\n",cptcoveff,m);/* to be checked */
+ for(jk=1; jk <=m; jk++) /* For each combination of covariate */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= jk)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(ficgp,"# Combination of dummy jk=%d and ",jk);
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficgp," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\n#\n");
+ fprintf(ficgp,"\nset out \"%s_%d-%d-%d.svg\" ",subdirf2(optionfilefiname,"PE_"),jk,ng,nres);
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset ter svg size 640, 480 ");
if (ng==1){
fprintf(ficgp,"\nset ylabel \"Value of the logit of the model\"\n"); /* exp(a12+b12*x) could be nice */
@@ -6716,18 +6908,50 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
ij=1;/* To be checked else nbcode[0][0] wrong */
- for(j=3; j <=ncovmodel-nagesqr; j++) {
+ ijp=1; /* product no age */
+ /* for(j=3; j <=ncovmodel-nagesqr; j++) { */
+ for(j=1; j <=cptcovt; j++) { /* For each covariate of the simplified model */
/* printf("Tage[%d]=%d, j=%d\n", ij, Tage[ij], j); */
- if(ij <=cptcovage) { /* Bug valgrind */
- if((j-2)==Tage[ij]) { /* Bug valgrind */
- fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*x",i+j+nagesqr-1,nbcode[Tvar[j-2]][codtabm(jk,j-2)]);
- /* fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*x",i+j+nagesqr-1,nbcode[Tvar[j-2]][codtabm(jk,Tvar[j-2])]); */
+ if(j==Tage[ij]) { /* Product by age */
+ if(ij <=cptcovage) { /* V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1, 2 V5 and V1 */
+ if(DummyV[j]==0){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*x",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,Tinvresult[nres][Tvar[j]]);;
+ }else{ /* quantitative */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%f*x",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,Tqinvresult[nres][Tvar[j]]); /* Tqinvresult in decoderesult */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*x",i+j+nagesqr-1,nbcode[Tvar[j-2]][codtabm(jk,Tvar[j-2])]); */
+ }
- }
- else
- fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d",i+j+nagesqr-1,nbcode[Tvar[j-2]][codtabm(jk,j-2)]); /* Valgrind bug nbcode */
- }
+ }else if(j==Tprod[ijp]) { /* */
+ /* printf("Tprod[%d]=%d, j=%d\n", ij, Tprod[ijp], j); */
+ if(ijp <=cptcovprod) { /* Product */
+ if(DummyV[Tvard[ijp][1]]==0){/* Vn is dummy */
+ if(DummyV[Tvard[ijp][2]]==0){/* Vn and Vm are dummy */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*%d",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,nbcode[Tvard[ijp][1]][codtabm(jk,j)],nbcode[Tvard[ijp][2]][codtabm(jk,j)]); */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*%d",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,Tinvresult[nres][Tvard[ijp][1]],Tinvresult[nres][Tvard[ijp][2]]);
+ }else{ /* Vn is dummy and Vm is quanti */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*%f",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,nbcode[Tvard[ijp][1]][codtabm(jk,j)],Tqinvresult[nres][Tvard[ijp][2]]); */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*%f",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,Tinvresult[nres][Tvard[ijp][1]],Tqinvresult[nres][Tvard[ijp][2]]);
+ }
+ }else{ /* Vn*Vm Vn is quanti */
+ if(DummyV[Tvard[ijp][2]]==0){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*%f",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,Tinvresult[nres][Tvard[ijp][2]],Tqinvresult[nres][Tvard[ijp][1]]);
+ }else{ /* Both quanti */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%f*%f",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,Tqinvresult[nres][Tvard[ijp][1]],Tqinvresult[nres][Tvard[ijp][2]]);
+ }
+ }
+ ijp++;
+ }
+ } else{ /* simple covariate */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,nbcode[Tvar[j]][codtabm(jk,j)]); /\* Valgrind bug nbcode *\/ */
+ if(Dummy[j]==0){
+ fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,Tinvresult[nres][Tvar[j]]); /* */
+ }else{ /* quantitative */
+ fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%f",i+j+2+nagesqr-1,Tqinvresult[nres][Tvar[j]]); /* */
+ /* fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*x",i+j+nagesqr-1,nbcode[Tvar[j-2]][codtabm(jk,Tvar[j-2])]); */
+ }
+ } /* end simple */
+ } /* end j */
if(ng !=1 ) /* For logit formula of log p11 is more difficult to get */
@@ -6745,8 +6969,8 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
for(j=3; j <=ncovmodel-nagesqr; j++){
- if(ij <=cptcovage) { /* Bug valgrind */
- if((j-2)==Tage[ij]) { /* Bug valgrind */
+ if((j-2)==Tage[ij]) { /* Bug valgrind */
+ if(ij <=cptcovage) { /* Bug valgrind */
/* fprintf(ficgp,"+p%d*%d*x",k3+(k1-1)*ncovmodel+1+j-2+nagesqr,nbcode[Tvar[j-2]][codtabm(jk,Tvar[j-2])]); */
@@ -6898,7 +7122,7 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
} /* end bad */
for (age=bage; age<=fage; age++){
- printf("%d %d ", cptcod, (int)age);
+ /* printf("%d %d ", cptcod, (int)age); */
for (i=1; i<=nlstate;i++){
@@ -6937,13 +7161,13 @@ plot [%.f:%.f] ", ageminpar, agemaxpar)
/************** Forecasting ******************/
-void prevforecast(char fileres[], double anproj1, double mproj1, double jproj1, double ageminpar, double agemax, double dateprev1, double dateprev2, int mobilav, double bage, double fage, int firstpass, int lastpass, double anproj2, double p[], int cptcoveff){
+ void prevforecast(char fileres[], double anproj1, double mproj1, double jproj1, double ageminpar, double agemax, double dateprev1, double dateprev2, int mobilav, double bage, double fage, int firstpass, int lastpass, double anproj2, double p[], int cptcoveff){
/* proj1, year, month, day of starting projection
agemin, agemax range of age
dateprev1 dateprev2 range of dates during which prevalence is computed
anproj2 year of en of projection (same day and month as proj1).
- int yearp, stepsize, hstepm, nhstepm, j, k, cptcod, i, h, i1;
+ int yearp, stepsize, hstepm, nhstepm, j, k, cptcod, i, h, i1, k4, nres=0;
double agec; /* generic age */
double agelim, ppij, yp,yp1,yp2,jprojmean,mprojmean,anprojmean;
double *popeffectif,*popcount;
@@ -6965,8 +7189,8 @@ void prevforecast(char fileres[], double
printf("Problem with forecast resultfile: %s\n", fileresf);
fprintf(ficlog,"Problem with forecast resultfile: %s\n", fileresf);
- printf("Computing forecasting: result on file '%s', please wait... \n", fileresf);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Computing forecasting: result on file '%s', please wait... \n", fileresf);
+ printf("\nComputing forecasting: result on file '%s', please wait... \n", fileresf);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"\nComputing forecasting: result on file '%s', please wait... \n", fileresf);
if (cptcoveff==0) ncodemax[cptcoveff]=1;
@@ -6997,7 +7221,10 @@ void prevforecast(char fileres[], double
fprintf(ficresf,"#****** Routine prevforecast **\n");
/* if (h==(int)(YEARM*yearp)){ */
- for(k=1;k<=i1;k++){
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
+ for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k)
+ continue;
printf("\nCombination (%d) projection ignored because no cases \n",k);
@@ -7006,6 +7233,9 @@ void prevforecast(char fileres[], double
for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
fprintf(ficresf," V%d (=) %d",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficresf," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
fprintf(ficresf," yearproj age");
for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++){
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
@@ -7020,7 +7250,7 @@ void prevforecast(char fileres[], double
nhstepm = nhstepm/hstepm;
p3mat=ma3x(1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
- hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agec,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k);
+ hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agec,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k,nres);
for (h=0; h<=nhstepm; h++){
if (h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm ==yearp) {
@@ -7613,14 +7843,36 @@ int readdata(char datafile[], int firsto
/*-------- data file ----------*/
FILE *fic;
char dummy[]=" ";
- int i=0, j=0, n=0, iv=0;
+ int i=0, j=0, n=0, iv=0, v;
int lstra;
int linei, month, year,iout;
char line[MAXLINE], linetmp[MAXLINE];
char stra[MAXLINE], strb[MAXLINE];
char *stratrunc;
+ DummyV=ivector(1,NCOVMAX); /* 1 to 3 */
+ FixedV=ivector(1,NCOVMAX); /* 1 to 3 */
+ for(v=1; v <=ncovcol;v++){
+ DummyV[v]=0;
+ FixedV[v]=0;
+ }
+ for(v=ncovcol+1; v <=ncovcol+nqv;v++){
+ DummyV[v]=1;
+ FixedV[v]=0;
+ }
+ for(v=ncovcol+nqv+1; v <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv;v++){
+ DummyV[v]=0;
+ FixedV[v]=1;
+ }
+ for(v=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+1; v <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv;v++){
+ DummyV[v]=1;
+ FixedV[v]=1;
+ }
+ for(v=1; v <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv;v++){
+ printf("Covariate type in the data: V%d, DummyV(V%d)=%d, FixedV(V%d)=%d\n",v,v,DummyV[v],v,FixedV[v]);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Covariate type in the data: V%d, DummyV(V%d)=%d, FixedV(V%d)=%d\n",v,v,DummyV[v],v,FixedV[v]);
+ }
if((fic=fopen(datafile,"r"))==NULL) {
printf("Problem while opening datafile: %s with errno='%s'\n", datafile,strerror(errno));fflush(stdout);
@@ -7650,87 +7902,87 @@ int readdata(char datafile[], int firsto
/* Loops on waves */
for (j=maxwav;j>=1;j--){
for (iv=nqtv;iv>=1;iv--){ /* Loop on time varying quantitative variables */
- cutv(stra, strb, line, ' ');
- if(strb[0]=='.') { /* Missing value */
- lval=-1;
- cotqvar[j][iv][i]=-1; /* 0.0/0.0 */
- cotvar[j][ntv+iv][i]=-1; /* For performance reasons */
- if(isalpha(strb[1])) { /* .m or .d Really Missing value */
- printf("Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th quantitative value out of %d measured at wave %d. If missing, you should remove this individual or impute a value. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, nqtv, j);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th quantitative value out of %d measured at wave %d. If missing, you should remove this individual or impute a value. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, nqtv, j);fflush(ficlog);
- return 1;
- }
- }else{
- errno=0;
- /* what_kind_of_number(strb); */
- dval=strtod(strb,&endptr);
- /* if( strb[0]=='\0' || (*endptr != '\0')){ */
- /* if(strb != endptr && *endptr == '\0') */
- /* dval=dlval; */
- /* if (errno == ERANGE && (lval == LONG_MAX || lval == LONG_MIN)) */
- if( strb[0]=='\0' || (*endptr != '\0')){
- printf("Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th quantitative value out of %d measured at wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, nqtv, j,maxwav);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th quantitative value out of %d measured at wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line, iv, nqtv, j,maxwav);fflush(ficlog);
- return 1;
- }
- cotqvar[j][iv][i]=dval;
- cotvar[j][ntv+iv][i]=dval;
- }
- strcpy(line,stra);
+ cutv(stra, strb, line, ' ');
+ if(strb[0]=='.') { /* Missing value */
+ lval=-1;
+ cotqvar[j][iv][i]=-1; /* 0.0/0.0 */
+ cotvar[j][ntv+iv][i]=-1; /* For performance reasons */
+ if(isalpha(strb[1])) { /* .m or .d Really Missing value */
+ printf("Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th quantitative value out of %d measured at wave %d. If missing, you should remove this individual or impute a value. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, nqtv, j);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th quantitative value out of %d measured at wave %d. If missing, you should remove this individual or impute a value. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, nqtv, j);fflush(ficlog);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }else{
+ errno=0;
+ /* what_kind_of_number(strb); */
+ dval=strtod(strb,&endptr);
+ /* if( strb[0]=='\0' || (*endptr != '\0')){ */
+ /* if(strb != endptr && *endptr == '\0') */
+ /* dval=dlval; */
+ /* if (errno == ERANGE && (lval == LONG_MAX || lval == LONG_MIN)) */
+ if( strb[0]=='\0' || (*endptr != '\0')){
+ printf("Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th quantitative value out of %d measured at wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, nqtv, j,maxwav);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th quantitative value out of %d measured at wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line, iv, nqtv, j,maxwav);fflush(ficlog);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ cotqvar[j][iv][i]=dval;
+ cotvar[j][ntv+iv][i]=dval;
+ }
+ strcpy(line,stra);
}/* end loop ntqv */
for (iv=ntv;iv>=1;iv--){ /* Loop on time varying dummies */
- cutv(stra, strb, line, ' ');
- if(strb[0]=='.') { /* Missing value */
- lval=-1;
- }else{
- errno=0;
- lval=strtol(strb,&endptr,10);
- /* if (errno == ERANGE && (lval == LONG_MAX || lval == LONG_MIN))*/
- if( strb[0]=='\0' || (*endptr != '\0')){
- printf("Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th dummy covariate out of %d measured at wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, ntv, j,maxwav);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d dummy covariate out of %d measured wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, ntv,j,maxwav);fflush(ficlog);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if(lval <-1 || lval >1){
- printf("Error reading data around '%ld' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\n \
+ cutv(stra, strb, line, ' ');
+ if(strb[0]=='.') { /* Missing value */
+ lval=-1;
+ }else{
+ errno=0;
+ lval=strtol(strb,&endptr,10);
+ /* if (errno == ERANGE && (lval == LONG_MAX || lval == LONG_MIN))*/
+ if( strb[0]=='\0' || (*endptr != '\0')){
+ printf("Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d th dummy covariate out of %d measured at wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, ntv, j,maxwav);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be the %d dummy covariate out of %d measured wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,iv, ntv,j,maxwav);fflush(ficlog);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(lval <-1 || lval >1){
+ printf("Error reading data around '%ld' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\n \
Should be a value of %d(nth) covariate (0 should be the value for the reference and 1\n \
for the alternative. IMaCh does not build design variables automatically, do it yourself.\n \
- For example, for multinomial values like 1, 2 and 3,\n \
- build V1=0 V2=0 for the reference value (1),\n \
- V1=1 V2=0 for (2) \n \
+ For example, for multinomial values like 1, 2 and 3,\n \
+ build V1=0 V2=0 for the reference value (1),\n \
+ V1=1 V2=0 for (2) \n \
and V1=0 V2=1 for (3). V1=1 V2=1 should not exist and the corresponding\n \
- output of IMaCh is often meaningless.\n \
+ output of IMaCh is often meaningless.\n \
Exiting.\n",lval,linei, i,line,j);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%ld' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\n \
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%ld' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\n \
Should be a value of %d(nth) covariate (0 should be the value for the reference and 1\n \
for the alternative. IMaCh does not build design variables automatically, do it yourself.\n \
- For example, for multinomial values like 1, 2 and 3,\n \
- build V1=0 V2=0 for the reference value (1),\n \
- V1=1 V2=0 for (2) \n \
+ For example, for multinomial values like 1, 2 and 3,\n \
+ build V1=0 V2=0 for the reference value (1),\n \
+ V1=1 V2=0 for (2) \n \
and V1=0 V2=1 for (3). V1=1 V2=1 should not exist and the corresponding\n \
- output of IMaCh is often meaningless.\n \
+ output of IMaCh is often meaningless.\n \
Exiting.\n",lval,linei, i,line,j);fflush(ficlog);
- return 1;
- }
- cotvar[j][iv][i]=(double)(lval);
- strcpy(line,stra);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ cotvar[j][iv][i]=(double)(lval);
+ strcpy(line,stra);
}/* end loop ntv */
/* Statuses at wave */
cutv(stra, strb, line, ' ');
if(strb[0]=='.') { /* Missing value */
- lval=-1;
+ lval=-1;
- errno=0;
- lval=strtol(strb,&endptr,10);
- /* if (errno == ERANGE && (lval == LONG_MAX || lval == LONG_MIN))*/
- if( strb[0]=='\0' || (*endptr != '\0')){
- printf("Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be a status of wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,j,maxwav);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be a status of wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,j,maxwav);fflush(ficlog);
- return 1;
- }
+ errno=0;
+ lval=strtol(strb,&endptr,10);
+ /* if (errno == ERANGE && (lval == LONG_MAX || lval == LONG_MIN))*/
+ if( strb[0]=='\0' || (*endptr != '\0')){
+ printf("Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be a status of wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,j,maxwav);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Error reading data around '%s' at line number %d for individual %d, '%s'\nShould be a status of wave %d. Setting maxwav=%d might be wrong. Exiting.\n", strb, linei,i,line,j,maxwav);fflush(ficlog);
+ return 1;
+ }
@@ -7890,7 +8142,7 @@ int readdata(char datafile[], int firsto
void removefirstspace(char **stri){/*, char stro[]) {*/
char *p1 = *stri, *p2 = *stri;
- if (*p2 == ' ')
+ while (*p2 == ' ')
/* while ((*p1++ = *p2++) !=0) */
/* ; */
@@ -7901,10 +8153,10 @@ void removefirstspace(char **stri){/*, c
-int decoderesult ( char resultline[])
+int decoderesult ( char resultline[], int nres)
/**< This routine decode one result line and returns the combination # of dummy covariates only **/
- int j=0, k=0, k1=0, k2=0, match=0;
+ int j=0, k=0, k1=0, k2=0, k3=0, k4=0, match=0, k2q=0, k3q=0, k4q=0;
char resultsav[MAXLINE];
int resultmodel[MAXLINE];
int modelresult[MAXLINE];
@@ -7942,13 +8194,13 @@ int decoderesult ( char resultline[])
if (nbocc(stra,'=') >0)
strcpy(resultsav,stra); /* and analyzes it */
- /* Checking if no missing or useless values in comparison of current model needs */
- for(k1=1; k1<= cptcovt ;k1++){ /* model line */
- if(Typevar[k1]==0){
+ /* Checking for missing or useless values in comparison of current model needs */
+ for(k1=1; k1<= cptcovt ;k1++){ /* model line V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1 */
+ if(Typevar[k1]==0){ /* Single covariate in model */
- for(k2=1; k2 <=j;k2++){
- if(Tvar[k1]==Tvarsel[k2]) {
- modelresult[k2]=k1;
+ for(k2=1; k2 <=j;k2++){/* result line V4=1 V5=24.1 V3=1 V2=8 V1=0 */
+ if(Tvar[k1]==Tvarsel[k2]) {/* Tvar[1]=5 == Tvarsel[2]=5 */
+ modelresult[k2]=k1;/* modelresult[2]=1 modelresult[1]=2 modelresult[3]=3 modelresult[6]=4 modelresult[9]=5 */
@@ -7958,13 +8210,13 @@ int decoderesult ( char resultline[])
- for(k2=1; k2 <=j;k2++){ /* result line */
+ /* Checking for missing or useless values in comparison of current model needs */
+ for(k2=1; k2 <=j;k2++){ /* result line V4=1 V5=24.1 V3=1 V2=8 V1=0 */
- for(k1=1; k1<= cptcovt ;k1++){ /* model line */
- if(Typevar[k1]==0){
- if(Tvar[k1]==Tvarsel[k2]) {
- resultmodel[k1]=k2;
+ for(k1=1; k1<= cptcovt ;k1++){ /* model line V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1 */
+ if(Typevar[k1]==0){ /* Single */
+ if(Tvar[k1]==Tvarsel[k2]) { /* Tvar[2]=4 == Tvarsel[1]=4 */
+ resultmodel[k1]=k2; /* resultmodel[2]=1 resultmodel[1]=2 resultmodel[3]=3 resultmodel[6]=4 resultmodel[9]=5 */
@@ -7975,17 +8227,50 @@ int decoderesult ( char resultline[])
printf("Error in result line: %d doubled; result: %s, model=%s\n",k2, resultline, model);
/* We need to deduce which combination number is chosen and save quantitative values */
+ /* model line V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1 */
+ /* result line V4=1 V5=25.1 V3=0 V2=8 V1=1 */
+ /* should give a combination of dummy V4=1, V3=0, V1=1 => V4*2**(0) + V3*2**(1) + V1*2**(2) = 5 + (1offset) = 6*/
+ /* result line V4=1 V5=24.1 V3=1 V2=8 V1=0 */
+ /* should give a combination of dummy V4=1, V3=1, V1=0 => V4*2**(0) + V3*2**(1) + V1*2**(2) = 3 + (1offset) = 4*/
+ /* 1 0 0 0 */
+ /* 2 1 0 0 */
+ /* 3 0 1 0 */
+ /* 4 1 1 0 */ /* V4=1, V3=1, V1=0 */
+ /* 5 0 0 1 */
+ /* 6 1 0 1 */ /* V4=1, V3=0, V1=1 */
+ /* 7 0 1 1 */
+ /* 8 1 1 1 */
+ /* V(Tvresult)=Tresult V4=1 V3=0 V1=1 Tresult[nres=1][2]=0 */
+ /* V(Tvqresult)=Tqresult V5=25.1 V2=8 Tqresult[nres=1][1]=25.1 */
+ /* V5*age V5 known which value for nres? */
+ /* Tqinvresult[2]=8 Tqinvresult[1]=25.1 */
+ for(k1=1, k=0, k4=0, k4q=0; k1 <=cptcovt;k1++){ /* model line */
+ if( Dummy[k1]==0 && Typevar[k1]==0 ){ /* Single dummy */
+ k3= resultmodel[k1]; /* resultmodel[2(V4)] = 1=k3 */
+ k2=(int)Tvarsel[k3]; /* Tvarsel[resultmodel[2]]= Tvarsel[1] = 4=k2 */
+ k+=Tvalsel[k3]*pow(2,k4); /* Tvalsel[1]=1 */
+ Tresult[nres][k4+1]=Tvalsel[k3];/* Tresult[nres][1]=1(V4=1) Tresult[nres][2]=0(V3=0) */
+ Tvresult[nres][k4+1]=(int)Tvarsel[k3];/* Tvresult[nres][1]=4 Tvresult[nres][3]=1 */
+ Tinvresult[nres][(int)Tvarsel[k3]]=Tvalsel[k3]; /* Tinvresult[nres][4]=1 */
+ printf("Decoderesult Dummy k=%d, V(k2=V%d)= Tvalsel[%d]=%d, 2**(%d)\n",k, k2, k3, (int)Tvalsel[k3], k4);
+ k4++;;
+ } else if( Dummy[k1]==1 && Typevar[k1]==0 ){ /* Single quantitative */
+ k3q= resultmodel[k1]; /* resultmodel[2] = 1=k3 */
+ k2q=(int)Tvarsel[k3q]; /* Tvarsel[resultmodel[2]]= Tvarsel[1] = 4=k2 */
+ Tqresult[nres][k4q+1]=Tvalsel[k3q]; /* Tqresult[nres][1]=25.1 */
+ Tvqresult[nres][k4q+1]=(int)Tvarsel[k3q]; /* Tvqresult[nres][1]=5 */
+ Tqinvresult[nres][(int)Tvarsel[k3q]]=Tvalsel[k3q]; /* Tqinvresult[nres][5]=25.1 */
+ printf("Decoderesult Quantitative nres=%d, V(k2q=V%d)= Tvalsel[%d]=%d, Tvarsel[%d]=%f\n",nres, k2q, k3q, Tvarsel[k3q], k3q, Tvalsel[k3q]);
+ k4q++;;
+ }
+ }
+ TKresult[nres]=++k; /* Combination for the nresult and the model */
return (0);
-int selected( int kvar){ /* Selected combination of covariates */
- if(Tvarsel[kvar])
- return (0);
- else
- return(1);
int decodemodel( char model[], int lastobs)
/**< This routine decodes the model and returns:
* Model V1+V2+V3+V8+V7*V8+V5*V6+V8*age+V3*age+age*age
@@ -8002,7 +8287,7 @@ int decodemodel( char model[], int lasto
* - Tvard[k] p Tvard[1][1]@4 {7, 8, 5, 6} for V7*V8 and V5*V6 .
- int i, j, k, ks;
+ int i, j, k, ks, v;
int j1, k1, k2, k3, k4;
char modelsav[80];
char stra[80], strb[80], strc[80], strd[80],stre[80];
@@ -8208,7 +8493,7 @@ Dummy[k] 0=dummy (0 1), 1 quantitative (
Typevar: 0 for simple covariate (dummy, quantitative, fixed or varying), 1 for age product, 2 for product \n\
Fixed[k] 0=fixed (product or simple), 1 varying, 2 fixed with age product, 3 varying with age product \n\
Dummy[k] 0=dummy (0 1), 1 quantitative (single or product without age), 2 dummy with age product, 3 quant with age product\n",model);
+ for(k=1;k<=cptcovt; k++){ Fixed[k]=0; Dummy[k]=0;}
for(k=1, ncovf=0, nsd=0, nsq=0, ncovv=0, ncova=0, ncoveff=0, nqfveff=0, ntveff=0, nqtveff=0;k<=cptcovt; k++){ /* or cptocvt */
if (Tvar[k] <=ncovcol && Typevar[k]==0 ){ /* Simple fixed dummy (<=ncovcol) covariates */
Fixed[k]= 0;
@@ -8233,7 +8518,7 @@ Dummy[k] 0=dummy (0 1), 1 quantitative (
TvarFD[ncoveff]=Tvar[k]; /* TvarFD[1]=V1 in V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1 */
TvarFDind[ncoveff]=k; /* TvarFDind[1]=9 in V5+V4+V3+V4*V3+V5*age+V2+V1*V2+V1*age+V1 */
- }else if( Tvar[k] <=ncovcol+nqv && Typevar[k]==0){ /* Remind that product Vn*Vm are added in k*/ /* Only simple fixed quantitative variable */
+ }else if( Tvar[k] <=ncovcol+nqv && Typevar[k]==0){/* Remind that product Vn*Vm are added in k Only simple fixed quantitative variable */
Fixed[k]= 0;
Dummy[k]= 1;
@@ -8286,167 +8571,167 @@ Dummy[k] 0=dummy (0 1), 1 quantitative (
if (Tvar[k] <=ncovcol ){ /* Product age with fixed dummy covariatee */
- Fixed[k]= 2;
- Dummy[k]= 2;
- modell[k].maintype= ATYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= APFD;
- /* ncoveff++; */
+ Fixed[k]= 2;
+ Dummy[k]= 2;
+ modell[k].maintype= ATYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= APFD;
+ /* ncoveff++; */
}else if( Tvar[k] <=ncovcol+nqv) { /* Remind that product Vn*Vm are added in k*/
- Fixed[k]= 2;
- Dummy[k]= 3;
- modell[k].maintype= ATYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= APFQ; /* Product age * fixed quantitative */
- /* nqfveff++; /\* Only simple fixed quantitative variable *\/ */
+ Fixed[k]= 2;
+ Dummy[k]= 3;
+ modell[k].maintype= ATYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= APFQ; /* Product age * fixed quantitative */
+ /* nqfveff++; /\* Only simple fixed quantitative variable *\/ */
}else if( Tvar[k] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv ){
- Fixed[k]= 3;
- Dummy[k]= 2;
- modell[k].maintype= ATYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= APVD; /* Product age * varying dummy */
- /* ntveff++; /\* Only simple time varying dummy variable *\/ */
+ Fixed[k]= 3;
+ Dummy[k]= 2;
+ modell[k].maintype= ATYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= APVD; /* Product age * varying dummy */
+ /* ntveff++; /\* Only simple time varying dummy variable *\/ */
}else if( Tvar[k] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
- Fixed[k]= 3;
- Dummy[k]= 3;
- modell[k].maintype= ATYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= APVQ; /* Product age * varying quantitative */
- /* nqtveff++;/\* Only simple time varying quantitative variable *\/ */
+ Fixed[k]= 3;
+ Dummy[k]= 3;
+ modell[k].maintype= ATYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= APVQ; /* Product age * varying quantitative */
+ /* nqtveff++;/\* Only simple time varying quantitative variable *\/ */
}else if (Typevar[k] == 2) { /* product without age */
if(Tvard[k1][1] <=ncovcol){
- if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 0;
- modell[k].maintype= FTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= FPDD; /* Product fixed dummy * fixed dummy */
- ncovf++; /* Fixed variables without age */
- TvarF[ncovf]=Tvar[k];
- TvarFind[ncovf]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv){
- Fixed[k]= 0; /* or 2 ?*/
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= FTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= FPDQ; /* Product fixed dummy * fixed quantitative */
- ncovf++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarF[ncovf]=Tvar[k];
- TvarFind[ncovf]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 0;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPDD; /* Product fixed dummy * varying dummy */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product fixed dummy * varying quantitative */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }
+ if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 0;
+ modell[k].maintype= FTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= FPDD; /* Product fixed dummy * fixed dummy */
+ ncovf++; /* Fixed variables without age */
+ TvarF[ncovf]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarFind[ncovf]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv){
+ Fixed[k]= 0; /* or 2 ?*/
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= FTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= FPDQ; /* Product fixed dummy * fixed quantitative */
+ ncovf++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarF[ncovf]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarFind[ncovf]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 0;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPDD; /* Product fixed dummy * varying dummy */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product fixed dummy * varying quantitative */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }
}else if(Tvard[k1][1] <=ncovcol+nqv){
- if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol){
- Fixed[k]= 0; /* or 2 ?*/
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= FTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= FPDQ; /* Product fixed quantitative * fixed dummy */
- ncovf++; /* Fixed variables without age */
- TvarF[ncovf]=Tvar[k];
- TvarFind[ncovf]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product fixed quantitative * varying dummy */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPQQ; /* Product fixed quantitative * varying quantitative */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }
+ if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol){
+ Fixed[k]= 0; /* or 2 ?*/
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= FTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= FPDQ; /* Product fixed quantitative * fixed dummy */
+ ncovf++; /* Fixed variables without age */
+ TvarF[ncovf]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarFind[ncovf]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product fixed quantitative * varying dummy */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPQQ; /* Product fixed quantitative * varying quantitative */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }
}else if(Tvard[k1][1] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv){
- if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPDD; /* Product time varying dummy * fixed dummy */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product time varying dummy * fixed quantitative */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 0;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPDD; /* Product time varying dummy * time varying dummy */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product time varying dummy * time varying quantitative */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }
+ if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPDD; /* Product time varying dummy * fixed dummy */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product time varying dummy * fixed quantitative */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 0;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPDD; /* Product time varying dummy * time varying dummy */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product time varying dummy * time varying quantitative */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }
}else if(Tvard[k1][1] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
- if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product time varying quantitative * fixed dummy */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPQQ; /* Product time varying quantitative * fixed quantitative */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product time varying quantitative * time varying dummy */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
- Fixed[k]= 1;
- Dummy[k]= 1;
- modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
- modell[k].subtype= VPQQ; /* Product time varying quantitative * time varying quantitative */
- ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
- TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
- TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
- }
+ if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product time varying quantitative * fixed dummy */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPQQ; /* Product time varying quantitative * fixed quantitative */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPDQ; /* Product time varying quantitative * time varying dummy */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }else if(Tvard[k1][2] <=ncovcol+nqv+ntv+nqtv){
+ Fixed[k]= 1;
+ Dummy[k]= 1;
+ modell[k].maintype= VTYPE;
+ modell[k].subtype= VPQQ; /* Product time varying quantitative * time varying quantitative */
+ ncovv++; /* Varying variables without age */
+ TvarV[ncovv]=Tvar[k];
+ TvarVind[ncovv]=k;
+ }
- printf("Error unknown type of covariate: Tvard[%d][1]=%d,Tvard[%d][2]=%d\n",k1,Tvard[k1][1],k1,Tvard[k1][2]);
- fprintf(ficlog,"Error unknown type of covariate: Tvard[%d][1]=%d,Tvard[%d][2]=%d\n",k1,Tvard[k1][1],k1,Tvard[k1][2]);
- } /* end k1 */
+ printf("Error unknown type of covariate: Tvard[%d][1]=%d,Tvard[%d][2]=%d\n",k1,Tvard[k1][1],k1,Tvard[k1][2]);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"Error unknown type of covariate: Tvard[%d][1]=%d,Tvard[%d][2]=%d\n",k1,Tvard[k1][1],k1,Tvard[k1][2]);
+ } /*end k1*/
printf("Error, current version can't treat for performance reasons, Tvar[%d]=%d, Typevar[%d]=%d\n", k, Tvar[k], k, Typevar[k]);
fprintf(ficlog,"Error, current version can't treat for performance reasons, Tvar[%d]=%d, Typevar[%d]=%d\n", k, Tvar[k], k, Typevar[k]);
@@ -8795,7 +9080,7 @@ void syscompilerinfo(int logged)
int prevalence_limit(double *p, double **prlim, double ageminpar, double agemaxpar, double ftolpl, int *ncvyearp){
/*--------------- Prevalence limit (period or stable prevalence) --------------*/
- int i, j, k, i1 ;
+ int i, j, k, i1, k4=0, nres=0 ;
/* double ftolpl = 1.e-10; */
double age, agebase, agelim;
double tot;
@@ -8823,53 +9108,63 @@ int prevalence_limit(double *p, double *
i1=pow(2,cptcoveff); /* Number of combination of dummy covariates */
if (cptcovn < 1){i1=1;}
- for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){
- /* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=i1;cptcov++){ */
- /* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=1;cptcov++){ */
- //for(cptcod=1;cptcod<=ncodemax[cptcov];cptcod++){
- /* k=k+1; */
- /* to clean */
- //printf("cptcov=%d cptcod=%d codtab=%d\n",cptcov, cptcod,codtabm(cptcod,cptcov));
- fprintf(ficrespl,"#******");
- printf("#******");
- fprintf(ficlog,"#******");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff ;j++) {/* all covariates */
- fprintf(ficrespl," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]); /* Here problem for varying dummy*/
- printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- }
- fprintf(ficrespl,"******\n");
- printf("******\n");
- fprintf(ficlog,"******\n");
- if(invalidvarcomb[k]){
- printf("\nCombination (%d) ignored because no case \n",k);
- fprintf(ficrespl,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no case \n",k);
- fprintf(ficlog,"\nCombination (%d) ignored because no case \n",k);
- continue;
- }
+ for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /* For each combination k of dummy covariates in the model */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k)
+ continue;
- fprintf(ficrespl,"#Age ");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
- fprintf(ficrespl,"V%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- }
- for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++) fprintf(ficrespl," %d-%d ",i,i);
- fprintf(ficrespl,"Total Years_to_converge\n");
+ /* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=i1;cptcov++){ */
+ /* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=1;cptcov++){ */
+ //for(cptcod=1;cptcod<=ncodemax[cptcov];cptcod++){
+ /* k=k+1; */
+ /* to clean */
+ //printf("cptcov=%d cptcod=%d codtab=%d\n",cptcov, cptcod,codtabm(cptcod,cptcov));
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"#******");
+ printf("#******");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"#******");
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff ;j++) {/* all covariates */
+ fprintf(ficrespl," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]); /* Here problem for varying dummy*/
+ printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ }
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ fprintf(ficrespl," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"******\n");
+ printf("******\n");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"******\n");
+ if(invalidvarcomb[k]){
+ printf("\nCombination (%d) ignored because no case \n",k);
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no case \n",k);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"\nCombination (%d) ignored because no case \n",k);
+ continue;
+ }
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"#Age ");
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"V%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++) fprintf(ficrespl," %d-%d ",i,i);
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"Total Years_to_converge\n");
- for (age=agebase; age<=agelim; age++){
- /* for (age=agebase; age<=agebase; age++){ */
- prevalim(prlim, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k);
- fprintf(ficrespl,"%.0f ",age );
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespl,"%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- tot=0.;
- for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++){
- tot += prlim[i][i];
- fprintf(ficrespl," %.5f", prlim[i][i]);
- }
- fprintf(ficrespl," %.3f %d\n", tot, *ncvyearp);
- } /* Age */
- /* was end of cptcod */
- } /* cptcov */
+ for (age=agebase; age<=agelim; age++){
+ /* for (age=agebase; age<=agebase; age++){ */
+ prevalim(prlim, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k, nres);
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"%.0f ",age );
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
+ fprintf(ficrespl,"%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ tot=0.;
+ for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++){
+ tot += prlim[i][i];
+ fprintf(ficrespl," %.5f", prlim[i][i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficrespl," %.3f %d\n", tot, *ncvyearp);
+ } /* Age */
+ /* was end of cptcod */
+ } /* cptcov */
+ } /* nres */
return 0;
@@ -8879,7 +9174,7 @@ int back_prevalence_limit(double *p, dou
/* Computes the back prevalence limit for any combination of covariate values
* at any age between ageminpar and agemaxpar
- int i, j, k, i1 ;
+ int i, j, k, i1, nres=0 ;
/* double ftolpl = 1.e-10; */
double age, agebase, agelim;
double tot;
@@ -8910,61 +9205,69 @@ int back_prevalence_limit(double *p, dou
if (cptcovn < 1){i1=1;}
- for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){
- //printf("cptcov=%d cptcod=%d codtab=%d\n",cptcov, cptcod,codtabm(cptcod,cptcov));
- fprintf(ficresplb,"#******");
- printf("#******");
- fprintf(ficlog,"#******");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff ;j++) {/* all covariates */
- fprintf(ficresplb," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- }
- fprintf(ficresplb,"******\n");
- printf("******\n");
- fprintf(ficlog,"******\n");
- if(invalidvarcomb[k]){
- printf("\nCombination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
- fprintf(ficresplb,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
- fprintf(ficlog,"\nCombination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
- continue;
- }
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /* For any combination of dummy covariates, fixed and varying */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k)
+ continue;
+ //printf("cptcov=%d cptcod=%d codtab=%d\n",cptcov, cptcod,codtabm(cptcod,cptcov));
+ fprintf(ficresplb,"#******");
+ printf("#******");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"#******");
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff ;j++) {/* all covariates */
+ fprintf(ficresplb," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ printf(" V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ }
+ for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficresplb," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficresplb,"******\n");
+ printf("******\n");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"******\n");
+ if(invalidvarcomb[k]){
+ printf("\nCombination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
+ fprintf(ficresplb,"#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"\nCombination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
+ continue;
+ }
- fprintf(ficresplb,"#Age ");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
- fprintf(ficresplb,"V%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- }
- for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++) fprintf(ficresplb," %d-%d ",i,i);
- fprintf(ficresplb,"Total Years_to_converge\n");
+ fprintf(ficresplb,"#Age ");
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
+ fprintf(ficresplb,"V%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ }
+ for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++) fprintf(ficresplb," %d-%d ",i,i);
+ fprintf(ficresplb,"Total Years_to_converge\n");
- for (age=agebase; age<=agelim; age++){
- /* for (age=agebase; age<=agebase; age++){ */
- if(mobilavproj > 0){
- /* bprevalim(bprlim, mobaverage, nlstate, p, age, ageminpar, agemaxpar, oldm, savm, doldm, dsavm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k); */
- /* bprevalim(bprlim, mobaverage, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, dnewm, doldm, dsavm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k); */
- bprevalim(bprlim, mobaverage, nlstate, p, age, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k);
- }else if (mobilavproj == 0){
- printf("There is no chance to get back prevalence limit if data aren't non zero and summing to 1, please try a non null mobil_average(=%d) parameter or mobil_average=-1 if you want to try at your own risk.\n",mobilavproj);
- fprintf(ficlog,"There is no chance to get back prevalence limit if data aren't non zero and summing to 1, please try a non null mobil_average(=%d) parameter or mobil_average=-1 if you want to try at your own risk.\n",mobilavproj);
- exit(1);
- }else{
- /* bprevalim(bprlim, probs, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, dnewm, doldm, dsavm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k); */
- bprevalim(bprlim, probs, nlstate, p, age, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k);
- }
- fprintf(ficresplb,"%.0f ",age );
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
- fprintf(ficresplb,"%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- tot=0.;
- for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++){
- tot += bprlim[i][i];
- fprintf(ficresplb," %.5f", bprlim[i][i]);
- }
- fprintf(ficresplb," %.3f %d\n", tot, *ncvyearp);
- } /* Age */
- /* was end of cptcod */
- } /* cptcov */
+ for (age=agebase; age<=agelim; age++){
+ /* for (age=agebase; age<=agebase; age++){ */
+ if(mobilavproj > 0){
+ /* bprevalim(bprlim, mobaverage, nlstate, p, age, ageminpar, agemaxpar, oldm, savm, doldm, dsavm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k); */
+ /* bprevalim(bprlim, mobaverage, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, dnewm, doldm, dsavm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k); */
+ bprevalim(bprlim, mobaverage, nlstate, p, age, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k);
+ }else if (mobilavproj == 0){
+ printf("There is no chance to get back prevalence limit if data aren't non zero and summing to 1, please try a non null mobil_average(=%d) parameter or mobil_average=-1 if you want to try at your own risk.\n",mobilavproj);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"There is no chance to get back prevalence limit if data aren't non zero and summing to 1, please try a non null mobil_average(=%d) parameter or mobil_average=-1 if you want to try at your own risk.\n",mobilavproj);
+ exit(1);
+ }else{
+ /* bprevalim(bprlim, probs, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, dnewm, doldm, dsavm, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k); */
+ bprevalim(bprlim, probs, nlstate, p, age, ftolpl, ncvyearp, k);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficresplb,"%.0f ",age );
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
+ fprintf(ficresplb,"%d %d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ tot=0.;
+ for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++){
+ tot += bprlim[i][i];
+ fprintf(ficresplb," %.5f", bprlim[i][i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficresplb," %.3f %d\n", tot, *ncvyearp);
+ } /* Age */
+ /* was end of cptcod */
+ } /* end of any combination */
+ } /* end of nres */
/* hBijx(p, bage, fage); */
/* fclose(ficrespijb); */
@@ -8978,7 +9281,7 @@ int hPijx(double *p, int bage, int fage)
int agelim;
int hstepm;
int nhstepm;
- int h, i, i1, j, k;
+ int h, i, i1, j, k, k4, nres=0;
double agedeb;
double ***p3mat;
@@ -9005,10 +9308,17 @@ int hPijx(double *p, int bage, int fage)
/* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=i1;cptcov++){ */
/* /\*for(cptcod=1;cptcod<=ncodemax[cptcov];cptcod++){*\/ */
/* k=k+1; */
- for (k=1; k <= (int) pow(2,cptcoveff); k++){
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
+ for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k)
+ continue;
fprintf(ficrespij,"\n#****** ");
fprintf(ficrespij,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ for (k4=1; k4<= nsq; k4++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ fprintf(ficrespij," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][k4],Tqresult[nres][k4]);
+ }
for (agedeb=fage; agedeb>=bage; agedeb--){ /* If stepm=6 months */
@@ -9019,7 +9329,7 @@ int hPijx(double *p, int bage, int fage)
p3mat=ma3x(1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
- hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k);
+ hpxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k, nres);
fprintf(ficrespij,"# Cov Agex agex+h hpijx with i,j=");
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
@@ -9049,7 +9359,7 @@ int hPijx(double *p, int bage, int fage)
int ageminl;
int hstepm;
int nhstepm;
- int h, i, i1, j, k;
+ int h, i, i1, j, k, nres;
double agedeb;
double ***p3mat;
@@ -9077,48 +9387,54 @@ int hPijx(double *p, int bage, int fage)
/* for(cptcov=1,k=0;cptcov<=i1;cptcov++){ */
/* /\*for(cptcod=1;cptcod<=ncodemax[cptcov];cptcod++){*\/ */
/* k=k+1; */
- for (k=1; k <= (int) pow(2,cptcoveff); k++){
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n#****** ");
- for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"******\n");
- if(invalidvarcomb[k]){
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
- continue;
- }
- /* for (agedeb=fage; agedeb>=bage; agedeb--){ /\* If stepm=6 months *\/ */
- for (agedeb=bage; agedeb<=fage; agedeb++){ /* If stepm=6 months and estepm=24 (2 years) */
- /* nhstepm=(int) rint((agelim-agedeb)*YEARM/stepm); /\* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 *\/ */
- nhstepm=(int) rint((agedeb-ageminl)*YEARM/stepm); /* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 */
- nhstepm = nhstepm/hstepm; /* Typically 40/4=10, because estepm=24 stepm=6 => hstepm=24/6=4 */
- /* nhstepm=nhstepm*YEARM; aff par mois*/
- p3mat=ma3x(1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
- /* oldm=oldms;savm=savms; */
- /* hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k); */
- hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,prevacurrent,nlstate,stepm, k);
- /* hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,prevacurrent,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, dnewm, doldm, dsavm, k); */
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"# Cov Agex agex-h hpijx with i,j=");
- for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
- for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespijb," %1d-%1d",i,j);
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n");
- for (h=0; h<=nhstepm; h++){
- /*agedebphstep = agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm;*/
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb - h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm );
- /* fprintf(ficrespijb,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm ); */
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++){ /* For each resultline */
+ for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /* For any combination of dummy covariates, fixed and varying */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n#****** ");
+ for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++)
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficrespijb," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ }
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"******\n");
+ if(invalidvarcomb[k]){
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n#Combination (%d) ignored because no cases \n",k);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* for (agedeb=fage; agedeb>=bage; agedeb--){ /\* If stepm=6 months *\/ */
+ for (agedeb=bage; agedeb<=fage; agedeb++){ /* If stepm=6 months and estepm=24 (2 years) */
+ /* nhstepm=(int) rint((agelim-agedeb)*YEARM/stepm); /\* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 *\/ */
+ nhstepm=(int) rint((agedeb-ageminl)*YEARM/stepm); /* Typically 20 years = 20*12/6=40 */
+ nhstepm = nhstepm/hstepm; /* Typically 40/4=10, because estepm=24 stepm=6 => hstepm=24/6=4 */
+ /* nhstepm=nhstepm*YEARM; aff par mois*/
+ p3mat=ma3x(1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
+ /* oldm=oldms;savm=savms; */
+ /* hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, k); */
+ hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,prevacurrent,nlstate,stepm, k);
+ /* hbxij(p3mat,nhstepm,agedeb,hstepm,p,prevacurrent,nlstate,stepm,oldm,savm, dnewm, doldm, dsavm, k); */
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"# Cov Agex agex-h hpijx with i,j=");
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
- fprintf(ficrespijb," %.5f", p3mat[i][j][h]);
+ fprintf(ficrespijb," %1d-%1d",i,j);
- }
- free_ma3x(p3mat,1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
- fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n");
- }
- /*}*/
- }
+ for (h=0; h<=nhstepm; h++){
+ /*agedebphstep = agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm;*/
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb - h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm );
+ /* fprintf(ficrespijb,"%d %3.f %3.f",k, agedeb, agedeb + h*hstepm/YEARM*stepm ); */
+ for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
+ for(j=1; j<=nlstate+ndeath;j++)
+ fprintf(ficrespijb," %.5f", p3mat[i][j][h]);
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n");
+ }
+ free_ma3x(p3mat,1,nlstate+ndeath,1, nlstate+ndeath, 0,nhstepm);
+ fprintf(ficrespijb,"\n");
+ } /* end age deb */
+ } /* end combination */
+ } /* end nres */
return 0;
} /* hBijx */
@@ -9145,6 +9461,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int itimes;
int NDIM=2;
int vpopbased=0;
+ int nres=0;
char ca[32], cb[32];
/* FILE *fichtm; *//* Html File */
@@ -10522,6 +10839,7 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
fgets(line, MAXLINE, ficpar);
+ fputs(line,ficres);
@@ -10538,6 +10856,7 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
fgets(line, MAXLINE, ficpar);
+ fputs(line,ficres);
@@ -10548,6 +10867,7 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
/* day and month of proj2 are not used but only year anproj2.*/
/* Results */
+ nresult=0;
while(fgets(line, MAXLINE, ficpar)) {
/* If line starts with a # it is a comment */
if (line[0] == '#') {
@@ -10555,24 +10875,37 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
+ fputs(line,ficres);
+ if (!feof(ficpar))
while((num_filled=sscanf(line,"result:%[^\n]\n",resultline)) !=EOF){
- if (num_filled == 0)
+ if (num_filled == 0){
- else if (num_filled != 1){
+ break;
+ } else if (num_filled != 1){
printf("ERROR %d: result line should be at minimum 'result=' %s\n",num_filled, line);
- printf("Result %d: result line should be at minimum 'line=' %s, result=%s\n",num_filled, line, resultline);
- decoderesult(resultline);
+ nresult++; /* Sum of resultlines */
+ printf("Result %d: result=%s\n",nresult, resultline);
+ if(nresult > MAXRESULTLINES){
+ printf("ERROR: Current version of IMaCh limits the number of resultlines to %d, you used %d\n",MAXRESULTLINES,nresult);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"ERROR: Current version of IMaCh limits the number of resultlines to %d, you used %d\n",MAXRESULTLINES,nresult);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ decoderesult(resultline, nresult); /* Fills TKresult[nresult] combination and Tresult[nresult][k4+1] combination values */
+ fprintf(ficparo,"result: %s\n",resultline);
+ fprintf(ficres,"result: %s\n",resultline);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"result: %s\n",resultline);
while(fgets(line, MAXLINE, ficpar)) {
/* If line starts with a # it is a comment */
if (line[0] == '#') {
+ fputs(line,ficres);
@@ -10582,7 +10915,7 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
else{ /* Processess output results for this combination of covariate values */
- }
+ } /* end while */
@@ -10653,6 +10986,7 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
if (mobilav!=0) {
+ printf("Movingaveraging observed prevalence\n");
if (movingaverage(probs, ageminpar, agemaxpar, mobaverage, mobilav)!=0){
fprintf(ficlog," Error in movingaverage mobilav=%d\n",mobilav);
printf(" Error in movingaverage mobilav=%d\n",mobilav);
@@ -10661,6 +10995,7 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
/* /\* Prevalence for each covariates in probs[age][status][cov] *\/ */
/* prevalence(probs, ageminpar, agemaxpar, s, agev, nlstate, imx, Tvar, nbcode, ncodemax, mint, anint, dateprev1, dateprev2, firstpass, lastpass); */
else if (mobilavproj !=0) {
+ printf("Movingaveraging projected observed prevalence\n");
if (movingaverage(probs, ageminpar, agemaxpar, mobaverage, mobilavproj)!=0){
fprintf(ficlog," Error in movingaverage mobilavproj=%d\n",mobilavproj);
printf(" Error in movingaverage mobilavproj=%d\n",mobilavproj);
@@ -10715,17 +11050,32 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
printf("Computing Health Expectancies: result on file '%s' ...", filerese);fflush(stdout);
fprintf(ficlog,"Computing Health Expectancies: result on file '%s' ...", filerese);fflush(ficlog);
+ pstamp(ficreseij);
- for (k=1; k <= (int) pow(2,cptcoveff); k++){ /* For any combination of dummy covariates, fixed and varying */
+ i1=pow(2,cptcoveff); /* Number of combination of dummy covariates */
+ if (cptcovn < 1){i1=1;}
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
+ for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /* For any combination of dummy covariates, fixed and varying */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k)
+ continue;
fprintf(ficreseij,"\n#****** ");
+ printf("\n#****** ");
for(j=1;j<=cptcoveff;j++) {
fprintf(ficreseij,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ printf("V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ }
+ for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficreseij," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ printf("******\n");
eij=ma3x(1,nlstate,1,nlstate,(int) bage, (int) fage);
- evsij(eij, p, nlstate, stepm, (int) bage, (int)fage, oldm, savm, k, estepm, strstart);
+ evsij(eij, p, nlstate, stepm, (int) bage, (int)fage, oldm, savm, k, estepm, strstart, nres);
free_ma3x(eij,1,nlstate,1,nlstate,(int) bage, (int)fage);
@@ -10776,15 +11126,26 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
- for (k=1; k <= (int) pow(2,cptcoveff); k++){
- printf("\n#****** ");
- fprintf(ficrest,"\n#****** ");
- fprintf(ficlog,"\n#****** ");
+ i1=pow(2,cptcoveff); /* Number of combination of dummy covariates */
+ if (cptcovn < 1){i1=1;}
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
+ for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){ /* For any combination of dummy covariates, fixed and varying */
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k)
+ continue;
+ printf("\n#****** Selected:");
+ fprintf(ficrest,"\n#****** Selected:");
+ fprintf(ficlog,"\n#****** Selected:");
printf("V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
fprintf(ficrest,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficrest," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ }
@@ -10795,19 +11156,27 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
fprintf(ficresstdeij,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
fprintf(ficrescveij,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficresstdeij," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficrescveij," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ }
fprintf(ficresvij,"\n#****** ");
+ /* pstamp(ficresvij); */
fprintf(ficresvij,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ fprintf(ficresvij," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ }
eij=ma3x(1,nlstate,1,nlstate,(int) bage, (int) fage);
- printf(" cvevsij combination#=%d, ",k);
- fprintf(ficlog, " cvevsij combination#=%d, ",k);
- cvevsij(eij, p, nlstate, stepm, (int) bage, (int)fage, oldm, savm, k, estepm, delti, matcov, strstart);
+ printf(" cvevsij ");
+ fprintf(ficlog, " cvevsij ");
+ cvevsij(eij, p, nlstate, stepm, (int) bage, (int)fage, oldm, savm, k, estepm, delti, matcov, strstart, nres);
printf(" end cvevsij \n ");
fprintf(ficlog, " end cvevsij \n ");
@@ -10824,7 +11193,7 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
cptcod= 0; /* To be deleted */
printf("varevsij vpopbased=%d \n",vpopbased);
fprintf(ficlog, "varevsij vpopbased=%d \n",vpopbased);
- varevsij(optionfilefiname, vareij, matcov, p, delti, nlstate, stepm, (int) bage, (int) fage, oldm, savm, prlim, ftolpl, &ncvyear, k, estepm, cptcov,cptcod,vpopbased,mobilav, strstart); /* cptcod not initialized Intel */
+ varevsij(optionfilefiname, vareij, matcov, p, delti, nlstate, stepm, (int) bage, (int) fage, oldm, savm, prlim, ftolpl, &ncvyear, k, estepm, cptcov,cptcod,vpopbased,mobilav, strstart, nres); /* cptcod not initialized Intel */
fprintf(ficrest,"# Total life expectancy with std error and decomposition into time to be expected in each health state\n# (weighted average of eij where weights are ");
fprintf(ficrest,"the age specific prevalence observed (cross-sectionally) in the population i.e cross-sectionally\n in each health state (popbased=1) (mobilav=%d)\n",mobilav);
@@ -10838,7 +11207,7 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
printf("Computing age specific period (stable) prevalences in each health state \n");
fprintf(ficlog,"Computing age specific period (stable) prevalences in each health state \n");
for(age=bage; age <=fage ;age++){
- prevalim(prlim, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, ftolpl, &ncvyear, k); /*ZZ Is it the correct prevalim */
+ prevalim(prlim, nlstate, p, age, oldm, savm, ftolpl, &ncvyear, k, nres); /*ZZ Is it the correct prevalim */
if (vpopbased==1) {
if(mobilav ==0){
for(i=1; i<=nlstate;i++)
@@ -10875,11 +11244,11 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
free_ma3x(eij,1,nlstate,1,nlstate,(int) bage, (int)fage);
free_ma3x(vareij,1,nlstate,1,nlstate,(int) bage, (int)fage);
- printf("done \n");fflush(stdout);
- fprintf(ficlog,"done\n");fflush(ficlog);
+ printf("done selection\n");fflush(stdout);
+ fprintf(ficlog,"done selection\n");fflush(ficlog);
- } /* End k */
+ } /* End k selection */
printf("done State-specific expectancies\n");fflush(stdout);
fprintf(ficlog,"done State-specific expectancies\n");fflush(ficlog);
@@ -10898,7 +11267,13 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
- for (k=1; k <= (int) pow(2,cptcoveff); k++){
+ i1=pow(2,cptcoveff);
+ if (cptcovn < 1){i1=1;}
+ for(nres=1; nres <= nresult; nres++) /* For each resultline */
+ for(k=1; k<=i1;k++){
+ if(TKresult[nres]!= k)
+ continue;
fprintf(ficresvpl,"\n#****** ");
printf("\n#****** ");
fprintf(ficlog,"\n#****** ");
@@ -10907,13 +11282,18 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
fprintf(ficlog,"V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
printf("V%d=%d ",Tvaraff[j],nbcode[Tvaraff[j]][codtabm(k,j)]);
+ for (j=1; j<= nsq; j++){ /* For each selected (single) quantitative value */
+ printf(" V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficresvpl," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ fprintf(ficlog," V%d=%f ",Tvqresult[nres][j],Tqresult[nres][j]);
+ }
varpl=matrix(1,nlstate,(int) bage, (int) fage);
- varprevlim(fileres, varpl, matcov, p, delti, nlstate, stepm, (int) bage, (int) fage, oldm, savm, prlim, ftolpl, &ncvyear, k, strstart);
+ varprevlim(fileres, varpl, matcov, p, delti, nlstate, stepm, (int) bage, (int) fage, oldm, savm, prlim, ftolpl, &ncvyear, k, strstart, nres);
free_matrix(varpl,1,nlstate,(int) bage, (int)fage);
@@ -10962,6 +11342,8 @@ Please run with mle=-1 to get a correct
+ free_ivector(DummyV,1,NCOVMAX);
+ free_ivector(FixedV,1,NCOVMAX);