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Séminaire "Démodynamiques"

Healthy Life Expectancy and Long Term Care

Andrew Bebbington(*)

Jeudi 19 septembre 1996 de 14 à 15 h (salle du 3e étage)

(**) Reader in Community Care, Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent at Canterbury.


Recent evidence from the UK on Healthy Life Expectancy from cross sectional surveys has further confirmed an expansion of morbidity at mild levels of chronic ill-health, but a contraction of severe levels of disability free life expectancy. A comparison has been undertaken between estimates of healthy life expecancy and quality adjusted life years. Concern the future demand for long term care is as great in the UK as elsewhere, though a recent government enquiry has concluded that this concern may be exagerated. However, monitoring trends in healthy life expectancy among elderly people more accurately is now regarded as a priority. A national longitudinal survey of the health of elderly people is being proposed, and a first pilot will be run this autumn to examine methodological issues.

Discutant : non encore déterminé.

Animateur de la séance Nicolas Brouard, brouard@ined.fr 
On peut trouver le programme du séminaire sur http://sauvy.ined.fr/seminaires/demodynamiques ou le recevoir sur la liste(listserver) demodyn@sauvy.ined.fr
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