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Séminaire "Démodynamiques"

Low fertility, its demographic implications and policy responses in Japan

Makoto Atoh(*)

Jeudi 14 mai 1998,  de 14 h à 15 h (salle 111/121)

(*) Directeur adjoint du National Institute of Population and Social Security

Conclusion of the paper...

What is the future of Japanese fertility ? In the 1970s and 80s among developped countries, it seemed to be natural that fertility would decline or remain low if the modern female contraceptive methods became more prevalent, the commitment to individualism increased amoung the youth, more women were involved into gain ful employment, ands children turned intof  "consumption goods". In the 90's, however, fertility in Nordic countries and "Anglo-Saxon" countries were such social changes seem to be more conspicious has been higher and closer  to the replacement level than fertility in other developed countries. This seeming paradox will be explained probably by the strong family policies aiming at gender equality in case of Nordic countries and by the responses taken by private companies, the child care market, the informal sector in case of Anglo-saxon countries. Also more husbands came to take the role of housekeeping and child care in both groups of countries.
If such propositions is valid that those developed countries which is closer to a gender equal society have higher fertility than others, then fertility in Japan is not doomed to remain low, depending on the extent of policy efforts aiming at egalitarianism, changes in enployment policies private companies would take, and attitudinal changes of   men and women. But it is uncertain, for the time being, whether the sex-role revolution in normative sense can occur in Japan where the attitude toward contraception is passive among women, collectivism is dominant, and very few men take the role of   household chores.

La discussion sera ouverte par H. Leridon (INED)

L'exposé sera retransmis en direct puis en différé sur internet (audio)

Animateur de la séance :  Nicolas Brouard
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