Recent changes in US young adult living arrangments in comparative perspective
Jeudi 18 décembre 1997, de 14 à 15 h (salle du 3e étage)
(*) University Prof. &Prof. of sociology, Brown University, U.S.A
L'exposéa été retransmis en direct puis en différé sur internet
This paper reviews research from the 1990s on trends in leaving home in the
United States and presents new research on trends returning home. These trends are placed
within context of two key theorical considerations: changes in familiy roles and changes
in the economic opportunities of young adults. The leaving home process in early adulthood
is tied to changes in the core nuclear familiy relationships, since those between parents
and children shape the launch and those between men and women help to shape the
destinations. The economic considerations include variation in income sources, particulary
wages and transferts, as well as the costs of independent residence. These considerations
underline the importance of taking a comparative perspective to the process of leaving
home in the transition to adulthood.
La discussion sera introduite par Olivier Galland (Observatoire Sociologique du
Animateur de la séance : Eva Lelièvre
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