Migrations et transferts en République Dominicaine
Jeudi 11 décembre 1997, de 14 à 15 h (salle du 3e étage)
(*) Chargée de recherche à l'INRA
L'exposé a été retransmis en français en direct puis en différé sur
internet (audio) Un texte complet est disponible.
Two contrasting hypotheses about what motivates Dominican migrants to send
remittances to their rural parents in the Sierra are tested: (1) an investment in
potential bequest and (2) an insurance contract between parents and migrant children.
Remittances from young migrants, males, and migrants who want to return to the Sierra
follow a pattern consistent with investment. In contrast, female migrants with no
intention of returning to the Sierra play the role of insurers. The gender composition of
the migrant siblings affects the remittance task-sharing, since women with no remitting
brothers show interest in inheritance, while men with no sisters offer insurance.
La discussion sera introduite par Paul-André
Rosental (EHESS/INED)
Animateur de la séance : Antoine Bommier
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