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Séminaire "Démodynamiques"

Contrasting scenarios : non-residential family formation patterns in the Caribbean and Europe.

Orlandina de Oliveira (*)

Jeudi 10 décembre 1998 de 14 à 15 heures, .

(*) Professeur de démographie au Collège de Mexico.


On the basis of available studies on the Caribbean (English and French speaking countries) and Europe (the Nordics countries and France), this paper compares patterns of forming conjugal, non-residential unions in both societies. Visiting unions in the two forms of non-legalized union in which spouses share a sexual and affective, but non-residential sphere. This is a pattern of family formation that is far from the normative model (legal marriage) and consensual (non-legal) unions that involve co-residence. Our interest is twofold: to compare the various forms assumed by non-residential conjugal arrangements in different socio-historic and cultural contexts; and to analyze their implications for the family life. The role of non-residential arrangements in the formation of families with female headship, the birth of children out of wedlock, the relationship between fathers and children and gender relations have constituted a significant sphere of debate and research in Caribbean societies for a number of decades. We are interested in examining the extent to which there is a confluence between these issues and those present in analyses of family life in European countries.

Finally, by way of a conclusion, and in order to encourage a broader sphere of reflection, we refer to the various theoretical positions that have sought to explain recent changes in patterns of couple formation in European countries; and the persistence of non-residential conjugal arrangements in the Caribbean for several centuries


La discussion sera introduite par Patrick Festy (INED)

Animateur de la séance : Nicolas Brouard
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