The Law of Market Areas and the Size Distribution of Urban Centres
John Parr
Jeudi 8 octobre 1998, de 14 à 15h (salle 111/121)
(*) Department of Urban Studies,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8RS, UK
Within most nations of the world, today and throughout much
of recent history, the size distribution of urban centres displays a high degrees of
regularity. Most distributors conform closely to the rank-size or Pareto function.
Naturally, regularity of this degree demands an explanation. In the past several
explanations have been offered. One such explanation looks to the urban system, and in
particular to central place theory. However, size distribution of centres underlying the
typical model of central place theory stands in marked contrast to size distribution
actually observed. This even tends to be the case when the urban system in question can be
adequately characterised in terms of central place theory. The reason for this contrast
lies with the simplified nature of the market-area structure within the central place
model. A considerably more complex structure emerges when the Economic Law of Market Area
is introduced. Using the market-area structure, a size distribution of centres is derived,
which is much more in agreement with the observed size distributions of urban systems,
including those in wich the central place sub-system predominates.
La discussion sera introduite par France Guérin (INED)
Animateur de la séance : Nicolas Brouard
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